Chapter 3

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Lucy POV

I reach the bus stop and wait for a bus that is going my way. After a minute my bus arrives and I  gets in and sits by an old woman. After five minutes I reach my stop and get down. I  walk for another two minutes before reaching home. I take the key from under the doormat and enter the house no one is at home so I go upstairs to my room. I take out my phone and start listening to music. Few hours later I go down stairs to get something to eat and I meet my mom sitting in the hall. I greet her and go to the kitchen I look in the fridge and find stew.
I cook spaghetti and warm the stew when everything is done I dish some for myself and my mom. I call her to come and eat and I sit and start eating I hear my phone ringing  I pick it up and reliase is an unknown number. Hello it's Lucy who are you I ask . I am Abby the voice on the other line says. How did you get my number ? I ask. Duh I got it from the secetary any ways I called to ask if your home . Yeah I am at home . Tomorrow  wear boots we will be going to the forest for practical she says and immediately  hungs up.

Sorry for the long wait I was busy with  school would try to be updating  regularly.

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