Chapter 6 : Welcome to the Family

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I could not believe what I saw.

Creepypasta Characters

'They're real?'

'Yes we are my child' someone replied to my thought as a very tall man walks in from behind me.

I knew very well who it was, SlenderMan;
Black suit with a red tie, no face, taller then no other, only speaks through peoples minds, and only eats babys.

"Oh! H-Hey Slender" I said kind of scared.

'Hello child, may I please talk to you in my office?' Slender says as walking to his office.

"Umm...ok" as I follow him.

As we walk I think 'I hope he doesn't kill me'

'You don't have to worry about that child because I won't. Now come inside' he says greeting me in his office.

I sit on one of the chairs in front of the Slendy's desk. Slendy leans on the front of the desk and to what it looks like he's looking at me. He stared at me for a while not saying a thing 'till he broke the silence.

'I'm sorry you had forced into a bag and tossed through a computer portal'

"Oh ya don't worry loved that, besides, it happens to me all the time" I said with sarcasm.

'Uugg, you know if you're going to join the pasta's you should be at least happy. You've been wanting that since you were a kid'

My eyes widened when I heard those three word. It kept repeating in my head. 'join the past's

I could not believe it.

'Is this really happening?!'

'Yes it is, believe it. So, do?'

"Yes! Thank You!"

'(Y/n) (l/n), welcome, to Creepypasta family'

"Thank You!"

'Ok then, shall we meet the others?'

"Ok, sure"

I was so excited to be in this family but I want to be cool with it, although wise it'll be awkward.

As we are walking to the living room, I hear Slendy calling every one to the living room.

'There is so many killers than I knew.'

'These are all the Creepypasta's in the mansion. Pastas, raise your hand when I say your name; Jeff, Jane, sally, Offender, Surrender, Splender, Trender, Tender, Bob, BEN, PensilNeck, LuLu, Eyeless Jack, Lazari, Herobrine, The Alice killings, Sonic.Exe, Smile Dog, Alex, Rake, Stripes, Ticci Toby, Drake, Homicidal Lui, Clockwork, Hoddie, Grinny Cat, Skin Taker, Skin Walker, Maddie Stitches, Pinkamena, Frozen, Seed Eater, Masky, and Laughing Jack. Then of course there's me, Slender Man'

When I heard 'Laughing Jack' I Froze.
He's the clown that was about to kill me but didn't. And when I saw him, he was glaring at me, MADLY!

'Why is Laughing Jack glaring at me like that'

'I will only leave that to you' Slendy answered.

That wasn't meant to be answered but whatever.

'Alright you can go back to your places, I'm taking a nap' Slendy walked away.

'Alright, I guess I can go sit next to some of those guys and watch TV with them'

To be Continued....

Omg can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.

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