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The warmth of the summer months was always preferable than the coolness of fall to Gwendolyn. She would much rather wear her shorts and sleeveless top than bundle up in robes and layers. So as the September of her fifth year ended and October began, it got colder and colder. And the one thing kept her from secluding herself in the Hufflepuff common room like a hibernating bear, was Quidditch.

Gwen's Nimbus 1500 sat just near the edge of her bed, it's freshly cleaned wood glistening as soon as she woke up. She threw on her robes and grabbed the broomstick, heading to the Quidditch pitch, and the chilly October air barely bothered her at all. The Hufflepuff girl's hair whipped around her face, a wild look in her eye as she kicked off of the ground.

The sun was just touching the horizon and it paid off to be close friends with the team captain, as Vivian Valacour let her get the bludgers out in the morning.

The pudgy brown ball flew out of the leather casing, zooming through the air. Gwen's grip on her beater stick tightened and she tore after it, her brows scrunched. She was vaguely aware of the sun rising above the forest tree tops and she smacked the bludger over and over. Each time the loud crack giving her more energy.

After an hour or so, Gwen's grip loosened, and she wrestled the temperamental ball back into the container. After she lugged the bag back into the locker room, she glanced up and saw none other than Amos Diggory, sitting and grinning in the stands.

He came tramping down, his bright Hufflepuff scarf matching Gwen's own.

"Amos?" Gwen said, surprise in her voice as she leaned on her broomstick, "What are you doing up so early?"

"Well I figured I'd check on your practicing," he said, grinning happily, "see if you're up to play Gryffindor."

Gwen gave a slight eye roll, "Of course I am," and giving Amos a quick peck on the cheek, "Don't you worry about it."

She began to walk back towards the castle when Amos ran to catch up with her.

"Aw, come on Gwen! I got up early to be a supportive boyfriend and all I get is one tiny-"

He was cut off by Gwen gripping his scarf and pulling him closer, giving him a proper kiss. She let him go, the brown-haired boy looking dazed and confused.

Gwen had a satisfied smirk on her face as she entered the Great Hall, Amos stumbling in after her. The two sat at the Hufflepuff table, enjoying their breakfast and pumpkin juice. Owls swooped over their heads, delivering the morning post and mail to other students.

Soon Vivian joined the couple in eating, discussing the Quidditch match that was in a few short hours.

"So Kingsley is Keeper now, Black got kicked off because he had been tampering with his grades. No idea how that boy got on the team in the first place," Vivian said, stuffing a muffin in her mouth, "But you don't have to worry about the Keeper, Gwen, focus on the Chasers. Hit a bludger at Potter, would you?"

Gwen couldn't help but smile, Vivian absolute loathed James Potter, and was pissed whenever he scored on her, since she was Hufflepuff's Keeper. Amos had been nodding along to the conversation, and Gwen turned to him.

"You don't understand a word we're saying, do you?" she said, glancing at him.

Amos frowned, "I understand more than you would think, Tatum."

Gwen patted his arm affectionately, "Whatever you say, Digs."


Gwen laughed lightly as Amos's face grew red, his voice raising to match one of Gwen's mother's howlers. Vivian nearly snorted pumpkin juice through her nose as she glanced over at Amos's red face.

He grumbled unhappily the rest of breakfast before Vivian nodded towards the doors.

"Probably should head over to the pitch now, yeah?"

Gwen nodded, "In a moment, Viv."

The Valacour girl grinned, shaking her head as she gathered up the rest of the Hufflepuff team.

Gwen poked Amos on the shoulder, "Pre-game tradition?" she asked, giving him a bright smile.

Amos sighed in defeat, unable to stay mad at her, and got up. The two of them scampered out of the Great Hall, and down a dimly lit corridor. Gwen peeked into one of the classrooms, and upon finding it empty, motioned for Amos to follow.

They stepped inside, the door closing softly behind them, Gwen's heart was beating so loud she wouldn't have been surprised if Amos heard it.

The brown haired boy leaned forward, his lips meeting hers, and Gwen felt her body hit the wall behind her. Her heart beat louder and louder as Amos pushed her against the wall. She ran a hand through his short cropped hair as she kissed him back. Gwen smiled as he paused for a breath, their eyes meeting for a moment. She was vaguely aware of Amos's hands slamming against the wall as he began to kiss her neck.

The two Hufflepuffs exited the classroom feeling giddy, Gwen's lips felt numb as she leaned against Amos. They left Great Hall and walked down to the Quidditch pitch, and Gwen could not have been happier for the good-luck kiss Amos had given her. She had a perfect boyfriend, great friends like Vivian, and was on the Quidditch team, her life at Hogwarts was exactly how she always imagined it.

But only if Gwen knew what would happen because of that fateful Quidditch game, because her perfect life at Hogwarts was about to collapse.

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