The School

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"Hell no."

"Come on," Abigail Finch said, pulling her sister Bailey back before she could walk out of the school.

"Abby, I am not going here. None of the kids are wearing deodorant and I am being forced to take trigonometry," Bailey said, grabbing onto the door handle to keep herself from moving forward.

"I think you're over reacting."
"Abby. Breathe in," Bailey said.
Abigail breathed in deeply before a look of pure disgust made its way onto her face. Honestly, she looked like she was about to throw up.
"Point proven."
"Good. Can I leave now?"


"Good morning Mr. Porter!"
"Miss Finch! Who is this?" the man, who looked to be in his late 30s, said, looking down at the brunette Abigail had forced roughly into a seat. "My sister, Bailey. Transferred," Abigail said while tapping her fingers to an unknown rhythm on the desk beside her.

"Welcome, Bailey," Mr. Porter greeted her, writing out a pass for her sister. All Bailey did was nod and place her head on the desk, ready to sleep through the entire class. Who needed to know about business management?

Abigail practically ripped the pass out of the mans hands before zooming out of the room. "Okay. Students! Today-"
A pornographic moan rang through the class room.

"Mr. Benson! If you are going to watch any sexual content, please go to the restroom!"

A boy with messy black hair quickly stood up, scuttling out the door. "As I was saying. Today we have a new student! Bailey, would you stand please?" Mr. Porter asked. The young girl sighed, standing up.

A few cat-called, some continued talking with their friends. She looked around in boredom, and made eye contact with a boy.

He had shaggy black hair, warm brown eyes, and olive skin with freckles scattered over his cheeks. He smirked at her, which wasn't a surprise seeing as he was one of the guys that cat-called.

"This is Bailey Finch. She will be staying with us and I expect you all to treat her kindly," Mr. Porter said.
As soon as he said those words I knew these kids would be the exact opposite.


"I was wondering if you were doing anything later because if not, I could show you a good time."

"Not interested."

"Alright, how about Saturday?" a boy, who had introduced himself as Mike, said, trying to casually put his arm around Bailey. "Busy," she said while trying to walk faster, but the boy's long legs caught up to her. "Come on," Mike groaned, "I'll tell you what, next Friday, You can come over and we can have a little fun."

Bailey cringed as the boy tried to get closer to her than he already was, "Please, leave me alone-"
"Hey babe! Sorry, Mrs. Davis wouldn't get off my back. You ready to go?" a familiar shaggy haired boy appeared at her side, loosely wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Um, yeah," the brunette said, utterly confused, but relieved at the same time. He nodded at Mike, "Excuse us, but we are wanting to be leave. Thank you," and walked her towards the exit, arm still around her waist.

As soon as they were outside, he unwrapped his arm from around her waist, and walked towards the bike racks. Bailey didn't know why, but continued to follow him. She watched him unlock a blue and white bike from the rack and pulled it out.

"Thank you. For, you know, helping me out," she said, watching as he gave her a small smirk, making her cheeks turn a light pink as her face warmed up.

"No problem, Sweetheart. What's your name?"

"Didn't you hear it?" she asked crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Not really. I was too entranced by your astounding beauty," he winked, walking his bike back out to the front of the school, "but I did happen to see that you have a sister who is waiting for you right over there."

Bailey looked over towards where her sister was watching the two carefully. "Bye, Princess!" she heard someone call. Quickly turning around, she found the the boy was already on the move, "Wait, what's your name?"

Luckily, he had stopped right before the crosswalk. Bailey could see him chuckle before answering, "I'll tell you tomorrow, Princess, but for now you can call me Daddy," he winked again, jokingly, as her mouth fell open in shock.


Bailey quickly turned too see that her sister was now right beside her. She expected Abigail to be furious that someone had the nerve to do that, but she wail wrong.

"Bail, how come you're getting more action than I did on the first day?"

Hello! This is a short little note about the characters.
First if all, I imagined "daddy" to look like Bob Morley.
You can think of him however you want, and if you don't know who Bob is, you're most likey going to thank me.

and Bailey, who hasn't really gotten a good description, I tried to pick an actress that looked the most like me. So I sorta pictured Vanessa Hudgens even though she's way prettier than me, she still got the hair, eyes, and sorta my face shape.

As I said before, you can imagine them however you want.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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