Settling Into Your New Home

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You had gotten up and headed to the kitchen, the dozenimpromptu house guests all followed you curiously and you groanedlooking at them. "Listen, it is amazing you all are here, but Ineed to make breakfast. So I need you guys to agree on a breakfast."You said as they looked at each other, they were ten differentcountries. To expect them all to agree to one breakfast wasimpossible.

"We are guests, ones who gave no warnings, we will eatwhatever you put on the plate." Lois promised, she always looked atit that food was food, as long as it could be eaten she was ahorrible cook.. You smiled gently at her and sighed.

"Okay, since there is a dozen of you making enough foreveryone should mean I will have made something that is at leastpassable." You said with a smile and they all nodded. You paused,your table could sit eight but that still left five of you alltogether including yourself. You had four trays leaving one out.

"Only eight people can sit at the table, unless youguys want to start sitting on each others laps." You giggled asMaria and Lucina both took a step back from Flavia. "I have fourtrays but with all thirteen of us there will still be one of us withno way to hold the food. Is there any two of you want to share atray, or I'd be willing to share if you want." You added and theyall nodded.

So with that you got to work, you decided to get towork. "Uhm, excuse me love," you looked to see Olivia blushing.

"Yes Olivia?" You asked and she gave you a brightsmile.

"Cooking for twelve other people including yourself,thirteen, has to be daunting especially with no time to plan! Carefor some help?" She offered and you grinned.

"That'd be a real help, thank you."

"I'll be your sous chef! Just tell me what to do!"She said happily and you thought for a moment.

"How about you start on the pancakes?" You asked,saying that Jess's ears perked up hearing the magical P word. Shealmost immediately was there causing you to jump.

"Easy there, maple leaf, it's just me. I'll handle thepancakes." She said and Olivia gave a long suffering smile, a smileof someone who has dealt with this kind of behavior since theCanadian was a child-which for them was centuries not decades.

"Okay Jess," she said easily and you chuckled.

"Okay, do you think you could make the eggs?" Youasked her, "maybe some (favorite kind of eggs) eggs?" You askedand she nodded.

You yourself got to work on cutting, you cut up somebread you then toasted, fresh meat, and cheese. You also cut up some(favorite fruit) and fried up some (sausage/bacon/ham).

You ended up sharing a tray with Alexandra. Jess,Olivia, Flavia, Lucina, Marigum, Anastasia, Ichigo, and Maria. Lela,Lois, and Giselle all ate on trays as did you and Alexandra, Gisellehad offered to share with her instead but you had told her it wasokay.

Alexandra and you shared the tray and ate. Alexandra waseating the cut up fruit and a open faced sandwich that had no meat init.

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