Going Home, Losing You

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You smiled as you snuggled with everyone, you werehappily laying in Leila's arms and Maria laying over you, using yourlap as a pillow. As you cuddled them the others nearby all weretouching you some way; a hand on your arm, their legs laying overyour own, rubbing your back, their head on your shoulder.

None of you had any idea what was about to happen.

In a bright light suddenly you were all alone. Youfroze, every joint locking up as it felt like ice cold water flowingdown your body and you felt the draining feeling in your face as youwent pale, the blood leaving your face in the fear.

You looked around when you finally realized and jumpedup you tried to run to see if you could find them. It scared you asyou realized and ran between the apartment trying to find them butyou already knew it in your heart exactly what had happened. Yourheart breaking in your chest told you.

It was funny, the way that it felt like that organ inyour chest that was meant to pump blood through your body felt likeit had dropped from where it was supposed to be and like it couldhave even cracked. You fell to your knees and let out a loud wailingthat almost didn't sound human. If you were thinking you wouldwonder.

In another realm Astrid and Andreea chanted inside thecircle. Astrid, the personification of Norway, was reading from abook, and Andreea, the personification of Romania, was tending to thecauldron as she to chanted.

Andreea's black hair was pulled back held up in a bunwith her hat sitting over it shading her coal eyes. Astrid's brightviolet eyes moved quickly over the weathered pages of the Norse bookof spells and she pushed some lank pale blonde hair out of the way ofthose eyes as she finished the spell.

Unceremoniously all twelve fell from the circle groaningand looking around. It was Olivia who realized what had happened,seeing the other members of the Magic Trio.

"What have you done?!" She yelled out as Astridflinched and Andreea raised an eyebrow.

"We saved you. Brought you back." The Romanian womananswered being confused at the usually cheerful baker.

"Livia, are you feeling okay?" Astrid asked and itwas then she seemed to notice how the others were reacting andrealized maybe they had made a mistake.

"What did you do?!" Alexandra screamed having beenthe first to realize fully and her anger catching up with hergrabbing a nearby fire poker however Jess did stop her. "What iswrong with you?" She asked shocked, Jess loved Name as much as shedid, she thought so anyway, why not destroy those who took them awayfrom them?

"Calm down. Let's find out what is going on." Onceagain Jess was being the level headed voice of reason between thetwins. It didn't happen often but it was how they operated, Alexandrausually listened to her but didn't seem like it would follow the normthis time.

It was Lois, the one who once upon a time helpedAlexandra earn her independence who spoke up. "For Name." Shewhispered glaring at the blonde and noir haired women. "We have tokeep calm so we can have all options open to get to her the fastest."And in truth it was the conviction that they would get to their loverthat calmed American. The sheer assurance that they would definitelybe with the curved beauty and soon, just how soon was the question.

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