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I bite my thumb nail as I sit on the curb and wait for Aaron. You'd think that once I got out of the hospital my dad would change his mind about kicking me out.


"Anna, do you have everything." My dad yells from the house.

I raise my middle finger at him and I hear his scoff silently. I pull my headphones out of my bag and plug them into my phone. Looking through all of my playlists I settle on Of Mice & Men. I lay back on the grass and close my eyes as Austin Carlile's voice blasts in my ears.

It isn't until Aaron nudges my arm that I realize I didn't hear him saying my name or pull in.

I pull out my right earphone and look for any trace of emotion on his face. His blue eyes seem cold and distant. I can't quite figure out what's wrong with him.

I smile, and he returns it but I can tell it was forced.

I turn off my music and we walk to the passenger side. He opens the door for me in silence. I slide into the seat in silence. And he does the same.

He starts the ignition and he pulls out... in silence. Not even the radio is on.

Feeling uncomfortable in the silence, I put my earphones back in and turn my music all the way up.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Aaron glance at me multiple times. I jump when he places his hand on my thigh.

I pull out my earphones and look at him questioningly.

"What's wrong?" I ask in monotone.

His hand slides down to my knee and he squeezes. "Nothing, just worried about you."

"You don't seem to show it." I sigh.

He slows down at a red light and turns to look at me, retracting his hand. "What do you mean?"

"You haven't said a word to me this whole time. You didn't even say hi."

He places both his hands back on the steering wheel tightly. His knuckles turn white and his body is tense. "Sorry," He says, turning right.

I shake my head and laugh bitterly. "I get it."

"Get what?" I look at him, only to see that his face nor his voice shows any emotion.

I shake my head and look away.

"Belle, get what?" This time he sounds alarmed.

"Forget it, it's not important."

Aaron sighs deeply and glances at me. "Stop with your act."

"What act?" I spit.

"Your 'I'm-totally-fine-and-I-don't-need-anyone-act.'" He says, mocking my tone.

I chuckle and he notices, giving me a grin. "One, I do not sound like that. Two, I told you I needed you."

His grip on the steering wheel loosens but only a little. It's silent for a while until he turns and looks at me. "For your information, you totally sound like that." He winks.

I punch him playfully on the arm and he erupts in laughter at my flushed face.

He pulls into a motel parking lot and pops the trunk. We sit in the car for a minute. I expected it to be an awkward silence but instead he turned to face me as best he could in the drivers seat.

He leans in and brushes his lips against mine. Tingles explode at the touch. My hands tangle themselves in his thick hair and pull him back before he can get to far.

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