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I'm a mess. After that night, I couldn't stop thinking about Aaron. We didn't speak afterwards. Maya didn't ask any questions, and as far as I'm concerned neither did Charlie. Aaron won't stop calling. He won't stop asking to see me. He doesn't understand that what happened shouldn't of. He doesn't understand I don't want to be with him.

Okay. That's a lie.

I want to more than anything, but how can you forgive someone who's hurt you so many times? That's stupid right? To go back to someone who never changes. To love someone who says they love you, but then cuts you down. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.

So now I sit in Maya's guest bedroom alone while shes at school. Then shes going out with Charlie.

And my phone is still ringing.

My hands grip my hair and pull. I put my head between my knees and rock back and forth.

Why, why, why? My phone goes silent. Then a minute later rings yet again.

I pick it up, shaking with rage and fear.


"Belle! Oh god I've been trying to-"

"I know Aaron. You've been trying to call so we could get back together. Look, what happened Friday was-"

"No! I'm not talking about that! My dad is in the hospital! Richard knows we're not together. I think he's coming for you."

My mouth is still open from being cut off mid sentence, but now it's just hanging there in shock. I close it quickly and lick my lips.

"He doesn't know where I am... oh god! Aaron get out of the apartment!"

Richard doesn't know where Maya lives, let alone that I'm here. He'll go straight to the apartment, and when he finds Aaron alone who knows what'll happen.

"Where am I supposed to go? Why would he come after me?"

"Because I'm not there! He's Richard. He's unpredictable and a lunatic! Come over here!"

He hesitates. I hear his breath get caught in his throat before he says okay and hang up.

I'm really trying to put myself in pain, aren't I? Inviting him over when I'm trying to get over him? What am I thinking? But if I don't offer him a safe house, he might get beaten or killed.

A pain stabs me in the heart. Damn you feelings. A world without Aaron is a sad one.

My phone rings and my heart practically leaps out of my chest. It's a blocked number.


"Annabelle! So good to hear from you! How're you and Aaron?" Richards voice makes me cringe.

"We're good, Richard. How's Alice?"

"Oh surely you know what happened! Poor Alice tripped and fell down the stairs, breaking her neck."

I laugh bitterly. "Sure she didn't fall into your knife?"

"She deserved it. The bitch was going to tell."

"Tell what, Richard?"

"Shut up," his voice has grown cold and hard. A chill runs up my spine.

"What are you going to do if I tell someone? Like the fact that you're the one who beat the shit out of Aaron's dad. Or that you're stalking me."

"Stupid bitch, you don't know anything about me. You don't know where I live, or my number. Try anything and you or Lover Boy gets it." The line goes dead.

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