Teacher Marco x student reader lemon (kinda) PART 1 ( edited)

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on phone calls u r bold and anyone else is italics

bold if Marco if really mad

What the girls look like

Hair colour: Ginger
Hair type/lanth: long, curly and frizzy
Height: 1m 54
Bff: gypsy
Eye colour: brown 
Dislikes: reading

likes: sleeping
Personally: Kate cant lie no mater what she does the best she can do is stay quite and let someone else talk and she is mean to everyone she doesn't like, she is always joking around, good at drawing, alway wrestling with gypsy, alway looking at the positive in bad situations, she gets lost worse then zoro, does thing without thinking, cares more about friends then anything she will do anything for her friends and always does thing with gypsy

Name: gypsy
Hair colour: blonde
Hair type/ lanth: not short but not long, straight
Height: 1m 50
Bff: Kate
Eye colour: blue
Dislike: her brother's

likes: food
Personally: loud friendly always wrestling with Kate, isn't good at drawing but really good at sports, Kate and gypsy don't do much without each other and cares a lot about food

Name: Clara
Hair colour: blonde
Hair type/ lanth: short, wavy
Height: 1m 60
Bff: Bianca (in different class)
Eye colour: greyish blue
Dislike: bullies

like: football
Personally: she is a lot like Kate but think things through, is pretty smart, sporty and really kind even tho she doesn't like them

Name: Bonnie
Hair colour: dark brown
Hair type/ lanth:  shorter then Clara's and frizzy
Height: 1m 54
Bff: Madison (same class as Bianca)
Eye colour: brown
Dislike: fighting
Personally: she is the opposite of Kate and gypsy she is quite, likes reading, calm and nice

Morco's pov

I'm an art teacher hear at one piece high right now I have my last class and that is 11T ( a/n at my shcool that's how we r sorted in our classes) they were my loudest class and one of the most annoying class I've ever had in my whole teaching career anyway there r 5 people who r the noisiest they r all girls and by looks u would think they would be quite but it's the opposite all of them were the loudest in the class sadly my younger sisters r the loudest Kate and gypsy they r twins.


"Kate don't fight again or pops will yell at u and Marco again" y/n says to Kate

"Wait y do u get in trouble as well Mr. Marco?" Clara asks me

"Because I was there to stop her from fighting in class" I explained to her

"Does Kate and gypsy fight at home as well Mr. Marco" bonnie asked me

"Sadly yes but they don't get away with it pops always finds out somehow and when shanks and that come round we bet who wins" I explain to them laughing at how much fun it to watch

"HEY" they yell at me "u can't just bet on us without giving us some of the money!" Kate finishes. Everyone face palms at her stupidity

"Is all she cares about is the money?" Zoro asks no one in-particular

All luffy is doing is laughing, law is smirking and nami is about to punch Kate for spilling paint on her work

Then she tackled gypsy out of her chair to the ground, they started wrestling

"IM NOT GONNA LOSS TO A RANGA LIKE U AND AT LEAST IM NICE TO PEOPLE I DONT LIKE!" Gypsy shouted at Kate. I must admit she got Kate there she is mean to people she doesn't like but then again there is only like two people in this class so not my problem

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