Chapter 1?

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I'm going to start a new story but I will write the first chapter here so if you like it then I will actually start the story but if you guys don't I'll just keep writing the one shots

Enjoy 😁

Your POV

I have been on sabaody archipelago for awhile now. Why you ask well my shit head crew accidentally left without me, I was shopping around while me crew did the same thing, so I decided to go back to the ship to sleep until everyone was done when I got to where my ship was docked I saw them sailing away so I shouted out to them "where are you guys going?"
Angus my navigator yelled back "sorry captain we thought you were on the ship"
"Who in the bloody hell told you I was on the ship!" I screamed at him
"Reid did he told us that you were in your room sleeping" Campbell my cook informed me
"You guys fucking know not to trust Reid he has always wanted the crew to himself, he has been trying to get rid of me ever since he joined and you guys should fucking know that already" I yell
"Sorry captain it's too late to turn back now!" Angus told me
"You guys better fucking hope we don't ever meet again cause you are all fucking dead and also change the name of the crew cause I'm taking it with me!" I stomped away not wanting to here they're excuses

And now here I am wandering around not know what to do I just need to think of what to do next ..........................................................................................
"Agh I know I'll just take over another pirate crew" as people walked by they gave me weird looks "opps I said that out loud didn't I?" I question myself
"Oh well time to look for a new crew" I happily skipped down the road

Time skip

Agh perfect they will do just fine I have never heard of the duck? Pirates oh well now they are the Panda pirates they just don't know it yet
"Hey duck pirates is your captain there?" I shout at the ship
"Who the hell are you and why do you want to talk to me" an old man shouted at me
"Are you the captain?" I ask in a bored tone
"Yea what's it to you?" He asked rather rudely
"Well I have come to claim your ship and the crew that live in it" I state like he is an idiot
"Now don't flatter yourself girly a weak little girl like you could never beat me I have a 8 million berry bounty on my head" the old guy smugly told me
"Oh well I guess a girl like me could never beat you it's not like I have a 600 million berry bounty on my head, I could never beat someone who has 8 million on his head, I guess I just give up and go home" I said sarcastically
"What your the (h/c) Devil but you have red hair so you can't be her" he told me
"Well I can change my appearance see" I changed my hair from red to (h/c)

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