That night

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This is not a happy story, this is a short sad one. Like life.😊 this is for you wifee ❤
"So do you understand? I kept this from you to protect you!" Half cried, half whispered to Lilly. She looked down, holding my hand. "You could have told me, i am not judging you," she said softly. "I just really want to punch Jake right now." I laughed and looked up a my best friend. Her light brown hair,in my her usual bun , had gone frizzy from the day, her oval face, with her soft features, looked melencolly and her usual vibrant hazle eyes, glazed. Smiling sadly i pushed a loose stand of hair out of her face and without saying a word i got up onto the couch with her and hugged her.
After a few long minutes we broke and stared at eachother. "Don't you ever keep a secret from me again." She said smiling. I laughed,
"Fine, as long as you dont keep one from me." She smiles weakly and stood up. "Well, I'm going to take a shower, I might be awhile I have to think things over." The smile playing on her lips faultered for a moment, all the emotion in her broke through the wall for a split second, but as quick as it came, it left.
"Don't take too long. I have to take one too!" I laughed, trying to brighten the room. She left without a word, or even a glance over at me.
As she showered, what had happened had finally sunk in. Knowing the trust and unity of our once close relationship, was now tainted for good. Like a rose someone stepped on. I sat in silence for what felt like forever. After an uncountable amount of time, I heard the shower go off. I looked up and felt something wet roll down cheek. I wiped away the stray tear and got up to go to the shower, hoping the scolding hot water would burn away the pain, for at least long enough for me to fall asleep.

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