Chapter 4: the play

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"Ok class were gonna talk about blah, blah, blah" the teacher said

After class

"Ok then beautiful what's your next class, I do hope that we get the same class~" Laurence said
"*inhale* first of all could you please call me by my name secondly my next class is drama class" I said
"I guess we were destined to be with each other~" Laurence said winking
I sighed
Let's play with him a bit
"Hey Laurence" I said
"Yes gorgeous~" Laurence said
"I'd like it if could keep me warm with your....body heat..." I said
"Oh really?" Laurence asked
"No." I said
"Awwww you made me excited!" Laurence whined
"To bad boi" I said

We walked to drama class and who other than gene we came across
"Hello Laurence ,why is Y/N with you?" Gene said
"W-" i interrupted
"We have drama class" I said so an argument won't happen
"Oh lucky you I have drama class as well" gene said
"Yeah lucky me" Laurence said sounding sarcastic
Laurence went in first and then gene then me ,when I went in and saw that they were on opposite sides and both of them had a free seat and one in the middle of the class room but same row as them, I took the one in the middle
"Ok class today we shall do something different , you will be grouped into 3 and you will have to make your own play! It will be due on next Monday so you have this Monday to Sunday to practice your play , it can be as long as you want, Ok Y/N you with Laurence and gene!" The teacher said
After everyone got they're group we huddled up to talk bout our play
Laurence grunted "I can't believe I'm with...YOU"
"Hey! It's not like I'm enjoying this either!" Gene says
"Would you two stop whining and help me plan!!" I yelled
"Ok" they said
"Ok what type of play should we do?" I asked
"ROMANTIC!" Laurence said
"if we are gonna do that I won't let you kiss her!" Gene yelled
"do you even like her?!" Laurence added
"N-No! I just don't want you to feel happiness" gene said
"She should be the one to choose!" Gene argued
"I choose....non of you" I said
"AND WE ARE NOT DOING ROMANTIC! Cause I'm not interested in the both of you!Let's just ask what the teacher likes"

You , gene, and Laurence go up to the teacher
"Excuse me sr." I said
"Yes what is it?" The teacher said
"What type of play do you like?" I asked
"Romantic of course it's very interesting and dramatic" the teacher said
"Crap, guess we're gonna do romantic then!" I yelled at them
We go back and huddle up again
"I should be the one to kiss her!!" Laurence said
"No, it should be me!" Gene yelled
"Listen, let's just do two knights compete for my hand in marriage!" I said
"Yeah but who should win?" Gene asked
"Well of course it should be me!" Laurence said
"let's let Y/N pick! But of course she'll pick me" gene said
"LETS JUST DO OT LIKE THIS!" I said as I covered my eyes
"Iny mini myni mo!" I said I opened my eyes and I pointed at gene
"HAH!" He said as he laughed in Laurence's face
Laurence grunted
"Ok then gene it is!" I said
W-why did I pick gene?! AAAgh I hate this
"Ok this is the plot Iam the princess ,but not like any princess I just look like a normal human ,no dress, no crown ,no nothing just like a normal human being but it would look like Iam from a fantasy world, gene you'll be a shadow knight a LITERAL shadow knight, you just compete for my hand in marriage, to let you in the light, Laurence you were once alone ,but a girl came and set you free, but she was not the one, she did not love you back, and so you fall in love with me
, and you two compete ,gene wins and so over your sadness you throw your self into the ocean , I learn about the news
but you and i were child hood best friends, you did not look for friends ship, you looked for love ,so I would go to the well where we would always wish and wish there for you to come back, you do come back but you have trauma to the head and so you cannot feel emotions and we soon find out it was an experimental potion, and so the only way to cure this was to sacrifice a piece of his last love, and I was his last love so I have to sacrifice a body part, but gene you being the loving partner ,dosent want me to sacrifice a part of my body ,and we soon find out a different path ,we need to find an emerald ,after two months we find a proper emerald for the anti-potion and we pour it on Laurence and the effects have been reversed, and I tell Laurence that there will always be someone out there for you no matter what so don't give up and he accepts my words and he is no longer alone and is not so sad anymore" I explained the plot
"How did you come up with all of that?" Gene asked
"I write stories" I answered
"Oh ok" Laurence said


Your POV
I exit the school and see Laurence standing out side the school
"Hello baby" Laurence said
I sighed "what do you want?"
"I just wanted to walk you home babe and ya know maybe watch you change~" Laurence said
I punch him on the head "YOU ARE NEVER GONNA WATCH ME CHANGE!!"
"Oww, jeez that hurt!" He whined
"I'll make it hurt more if you don't stop being a pervert!!" I yelled
"Anyway I gotta go home" I added
"Bye beautiful~" Laurnce said
"Bye trash face!" I yelled as I laughed
"HEY MY FACE IS BEAUTIFUL!" Laurence yelled
"Yeah, yeah what ever you say!" I chuckled
I walk down the side walk and looked at my watch to see what time is it and I bumped into someone's back
I looked up and said "Oh I'm sorry I wasn- WHY?!"
"Hello there shorty~" gene said
"Uuuuugh!" I yelled
"I was just wondering how are we gonna kiss if you can't even reach me?" Gene said
"Then let's practice~" gene said
"W-what" I said as I could feel my self blushing
He grabbed by chin and started pulling me in and....

The bully fell in love (gene x reader pdh)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon