Chapter Three

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I leaned against the outside of the building, sipping my smoothie.

'Smooth move in there, Peter,' I think to myself, rolling my eyes. The most perfect girl you ever met, and you blew it.

"Excuse me?" A sweet, British voice rang out behind me. Wendy. I turned around, but she was closer than I expected, and I crashed into her. The top of my smoothie burst off, and bits of blended strawberries and apples splattered on her.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, I-" I started, but was interrupted by a giggle made by Wendy. That giggle soon turned into uncontrollable laughter.

"That was hilarious!" She managed in between bouts of laughter. "It's totally fine. It wasn't your fault. But that was FUNNY!" I started to laugh too. I rushed inside the Snuggly Duckling and grabbed a wad of napkins. With Wendy's help, I got most of the smoothie off her clothes.

"Honestly, I feel terrible about spilling that smoothie on you. Let me make it up to you."

"How?" She asked, a puzzled expression on her face.

"I'll take you on a date."


The last words that ran in my head: "What's your story?"

"I can't tell you here," I told him.

"Stop the car," Hercules told the driver. He stepped out and spread out his arms and said, "Can you tell me out here?" I chuckled to myself. "You know, you have a cute laugh." He stated.

"A cute laugh?" I retorted.

"Yes and there is nothing wrong with it- Hey! I know what your doing! You're trying to stall so you won't have to tell me the story. Alright then. Don't tell me now. But I'll get the story out of you sooner or later," he said, shooting a teasing smile my way.

Of all the people why did HE have to be the one to get in the cab?


"Hey Terrence." I was pulled out of my thoughts by Peter.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I have a date with Wendy," he stated cheerfully.

"What about Tink?" I asked.

"I don't know, what about her?"

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed!" I proclaimed.

"Noticed what?" Peter said, suspicion dripping from his voice.

"Tink likes you! She has for the last two years!"

"Wha-what?!? She doesn't like me! Th-that's not possible!"

"Yes, she does! God, Pete, are you really that blind? I mean, she hasn't even noticed ME..." I trailed off.

"Wait," he said. "Do you like Tinkerbell?"

My cheeks blazed bright red. "You DO, don't you!" he said with satisfaction in his voice.

"Maybe..." I said. "But it isn't any of your business!"

"It so is! Go ask her out!"

"I-I can't." It was then that I noticed the sun was setting. "Its getting dark," I said. "We should probably go back to the dorms. After all, the first day of school is tomorrow."

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