Seducing the Seducer chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The rest of the week passed without much drama and Zoe had pestered Daniel so much he agreed to go out with her. Not just all the girls knew that he had a BMW but the rest of the school too though he flatly refused to let anyone see it, so aspersions were cast as to if it was true or just a rumor. Knowing that it was Guy who supplied the information first also made the actual reality of the car more untrustworthy.

Friday night, Daniel had driven back to Theodore's house but had parked the car and was walking with him to his house. "You didn't have to come with me Dan." Theodore told him.

"I don't trust the streets at night especially at this time now it's dark and, no offense man, but you don't live in the safest area in town."

"No, I know. Will you be okay walking back your car then?" He asked, understandably concerned for his friend.

Daniel smiled, "You thinking some thug like Myers is gonna jump out at me? He'd get the same treatment. Theo, I can look after myself."

"Okay, okay. But what about your car?"

"That, my friend, is why we need to hurry." Daniel chuckled.

Then, he saw a shadow move. He quickened the pace.

"Woah! What's the extra speed for?" Theodore complained.

Daniel ignored him, there was another flash of movement, that was no mugger. One, it was too fast and two, there was no heartbeat. Faced with the all to familiar situation, Daniel could only mutter softly to him, "Theo, we really need to get to your house."

Theodore looked at him in confusion. "What are you-" Daniel pulled him to his chest and clapped a hand over his mouth, listening.

Damn, Theodore's heart rate had sped right up, he was frightened. That was sure to lure the hunter closer. Doubtless he, or she, was thirsty. There was only silence. "Theo," he whispered to the boy, again, "we really need to get inside your house."

Theodore stared at him, wide eyed, but nodded. Daniel let go of him and he took in a shaky breath. He took a step down his road, they were at the turning to his street, barely 20 meters away from the front door.

Then Daniel heard the running footsteps and saw the glint of red eyes in the dark. "NO!" He cried, he was so not having his new best friend killed. He dived in front of Theodore, a fraction of a second before the monster hit him full on with awesome force. They both flew to the side and slammed into the corner of a building, talking a huge chunk out of the brickwork. Theodore screamed, Daniel, struggling to hold down the furious creature, shouted to him, "Theo, get inside. Lock the door and for god's sake don't say a word! GO!" The bloodthirsty creature let out an inhuman scream. Theodore was stood there, frozen in horror. Daniel groaned and smashed his fist through it's neck cutting of the scream. "For fucks sake Theo, go!"

Somehow, Theodore unfroze from his terror and the horror that he'd just seen, had Daniel, Daniel his friend, had he really just punched his hand through..." He forced himself to not think it and ran for the door, slamming it behind him and locking it. He pressed himself against the door for a moment, as if to hold it closed against that, that thing with the awful scream that was outside. Then, deciding that one door wasn't enough, he ran upstairs and closed his bedroom door too, sitting on the floor and leaning against it. His breath came in short bursts, had that really just happened?

While Theodore sat there, Daniel was still down on street level. The creature was now pinned down by a thin beam of green light emitted from Daniel's hand. He spoke to him. "Sir, do you know the laws that govern whom you feed upon?"

The man with ripped clothing, eyes that were still glowing red and blood, both human and his own, dripping off him only replied with snarls and hisses.

Daniel sighed, this one had been created fairly recently. There seemed to be no one controlling it. He took in the man's blood signature, detecting the sign of it's creator. Someone was going to get into serious trouble for this. Loose newborns on the street was a serious crime. The law was simple, you create a vampire, you look after it until it has gained control of itself. "I'm sorry." He whispered to the furious creature. No longer a human man, not yet a full vampire, too dangerous to be allowed to live. With one quick, lethal blow, he killed it and left the body to turn to a pile of blood and ash as it would in the next half hour or so. Now, how to explain this to Theodore?

He tried the front door. Locked. That wouldn't have helped much if it had come down to it, but he wan't about to break through it. Hmm, the window. Though coming through his bedroom window would probably scare Theodore even more, but he had to explain. Jesus, if he didn't, Theodore would probably never feel he was able to walk the streets again.

With one quick bound he was hanging off Theodore's window sill. He sighed and got out his phone, still holding on with one hand he texted with the other. 'can i come in plz?' Through the window Daniel saw him get the text, stare at his phone for a few seconds, go even paler than he had been. And put the phone down on the carpet. Damn Theo, Daniel thought. He tried again. 'plz man, i need to explain. I'm hangin off yr window plz plz let me in!' He saw Theodore get the second message, gasp, and look up. As it was light in the room, and dark outside, he didn't see Daniel looking in. He slowly got to his feet and walked over to the window. Daniel was hanging by his one hand again, he heard Theodore cautiously slide open the window and peer out. Seeing Daniel's fingers on the ledge he peeked over the edge and his eyes widened as he saw him hanging there. Daniel waved his phone at him, "Can I come in?"

Theodore stared at him for a moment, fighting between his initial terror and the picture of his best friend desperately hanging off his window sill. Slowly he nodded and stepped back from the open window. With a smile Daniel clambered through.

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