Chapter 1 ~ Packing

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Chapter 1 ~ Packing

"Mykenzy! Where are you?" I heard my dad shout from downstairs. What now?

"Im in my room!" I hollered back. A few moments later my dad came barging into my room. He looked upset and nervous. Wonder whats wrong with him?

"Mykenzy, sweety, I know you just got settled here but we have to move again. Its short notice I know but work wants me to start in Rose Creek by this time next week. Im sorry, Mouse, but you need to start packing."

"What?" I shrieked at him. "They know you have a daughter! Why cant they just leave you in one office for longer then a few months? I'm tired of moving." I stated in defeat.

"Im sorry but it's just the way it is. They promised me this will be the last move. Once we get there we wont have to move again." He said with a glint of happieness in his eyes.

"Out." I said with anger in my voice. "Just get out."

I cant believe we have to move again. I was just starting to make friends. Which, for me, is not easy since I'm really shy around new people.

I have been moping around my room for a good hour before I decided I should start packing, again. It is so vexing to move so much. It was never like this when Mom was alive. I wish she were still here.

Looking around my room I decided to start with my overly large collection of books. After mom died I got all her books. From romance to history to horror, she had it. Her books were really the only thing I have left of her.

Digging through my closet I found a stack of folded boxes. Grabbing a large box and the packing tape I started to pile books into the box, pretending I was playing Tetris.

Once I finished the books I noticed the clock said it was time for supper. That means dad is gone to work. I wandered down the stairs to the kitchen to find a note on the counter.

Reading it over I discouvered dad had left me pasta with spicy shrimp sauce in the fridge. Sweet, my favourite. I grabed the pasta and put it in the microwave. While waiting for it to heat up I decided to watch a moive. Hmm, lets watch Shrek. 

Grabing a drink from the fridge I placed my movie and my meal onto a tray. Heading back upstairs I switched off the lights. Settling in on my bed I popped my movie in.

After eating all my pasta I started to get drowsy. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know im dreaming of my mom.

Mom and I were sitting on the swings in a beautiful park. Lush green grass, blue sky, the sun shining, and a slight breeze blowing. We were laughing and having a good time when all of a sudden a loud crack resounded in the air. Within moments another crack rang through the air, followed by splinters of wood spraying everywhere. Now people were screaming and running. Whats going on?

 I looked over to where my mom had been moments before. She was no longer there. Now she was curled up on the ground holding her stomache, her red hat lay off to the side. I ran over to her to see a little pool of crimson blood forming around her. No! Mom! No, no, no.

Within moments of that image in my dream I bolted upright in my bed. A shrill scream I had no memory of making was slowly dying away. Once the scream was fully gone there was no sounds left but the buzz from the tv and my heavy breathing.

Dang it. I hate this part of moving. Evertime we move I always have one of these dreams. They are not always the same; Sometimes it's mom running off with some guy to go get a plane or she's being hit by a car. 

Dad better be right about us not moving every again after this. I don't want to have to keep dealing with these nightmares. They are getting worse with every move. It would also be nice to be able to make some friends and actually keep them for once.


so the italics stuff is what she is saying in her head. and the last little paragraph is her pretty much whatever is being said or though in her head i have put in italics.......

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it! And thanks for reading~

Happy Tuesday~~~


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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