Contests and Alola!

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Ash's POV

----- Time skip 2 weeks after Ash texted Serena -----

I turned on the TV at precisely 5 o'clock, knowing that was when the Grand Contest's battle stage would be on. Sure enough, the battles were just getting started, with all the competitors lining up on the stage, 3 ribbons pinned to their suits/dresses (PLS I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT CONTESTS DON'T KILL ME IF ANYTHING IS WRONG OK PLS PLS)

Everyone was dressed and looked sharp. I saw May and Drew, and smiled, remembering our journey, and Drew and May's strange bond I couldn't really describe. That was the best journey ever, after Kalos of course. Iris was just annoying sometimes, Dawn fretted too much over her hair and Misty was just brutal. 

The camera did a sweeping round of all the contestants, stating they start the battle round in 5 minutes, and I caught my first glance of Serena. She was wearing the same dress that she wore on her first performance, the one where Fenniken tripped... I was really sorry for her, the dress-up she did with Fenniken was beautiful. Her Braixen (still a Braixen? I thought it would've evolved with all the contest battling it had been doing) stood by her side, and there were five pokeballs by her side. Hmmm... what pokemon were the rest?

The camera switched out to an aerial view, but Serena still stood out in the crowd of people on stage. She was, after all, wearing a bright red dress amongst duller pinks and magentas, like Dawn's dress. 


 But something just drew my eyes to her. She looked absolutely radiant in that dress. I stared blankly for a few seconds.

"Pika!" Even Pikachu thought she looked good.

She was really pretty.

Where did that come from?

I brushed it aside as the match-ups were announced. Serena was up against... Drew! 3v3 battle! 

Wait, what?

It seems this year's contests are different...

Looks like a max of 3 people I knew would make it to the appeal round. Serena's Braixen would be good against Drew's Roserade, but Flygon may pose a problem, because only Sylveon could take it out. However, if Sylveon went up against Roserade before Flygon, Serena would have no counter to Flygon (Poison is S.E against Fairy)

I waited, tapping the table, stroking Rockruff as it whined affectionately and letting Litten sleep on my feet (Rowlett was in my bag upstairs. duh!) as the battles progressed.

Suddenly, Serena was on stage. I must have nodded off for a bit... sorry Serena!

Luckily, I was just in time to see her battle.

"And... begin!" I saw Serena glance just a bit at the camera before beginning. Was she hoping I was watching...?

"Go! Flygon!" yelled Drew, and I immediately knew Serena had issues. She had been hoping, most likely, that Roserade would go first, allowing the double type advantage (Grass/Poison vs Fire/Psychic) to win... but Drew had skill, too.

Drew had planned for Braxien to go first, countering it with the ground typeage, which made a clear path for his star pokemon, Roserade.

"Go, Braixen!" yelled Serena, and then she realised the deep trouble she was in. A bead of sweat ran down the side of her neck.

"It's a winning type match-up for Drew! But can Serena win?" yelled the commentator.

No need to blurt it out!

"Flygon, Dragon Rage!" yelled Drew.

"Braxien.. Fire Blast!" countered Serena.

The two blows met, and there was an explosion, but all stayed the same in terms of health.

"Flygon, Steel Wing!" 

Huh? That has near no effect against Braixen!

Serena seized this and said "Psychic when it gets nearby!" 

Nice new move!

Drew smirked, and I realised that Steel Wing was like my Pikachu's Quick Attack. Get in, deal damage, set up for a stronger move.

Before Braixen could fully focus her powers, she was hit, but she barely staggered. Like I said, not very effective typing.

A few points came off Serena's score.

"Flygon, now use Sandstorm!" 

But it was too late to make Braixen miss. The Psychic attack hit, and the waves of mental power sent Flygon... well... flying. THE PUNS ARE REAL.

Some points came of Drew's score.

"Flygon! Earthquake!" Uh oh.

Serena looked quite panicked, but suddenly, you could almost see the light bulb light up.

"Braixen! Hover using Psychic!" 

Braixen looked down at it's own feet, and a greenish light surrounded them. Braixen hovered just a little off the ground, just enough to counter Earthquake but not enough to tire Braixen. The earthquake finished, and Braixen set itself down, panting, but still up.

"Don't give Braixen a break! Use Dragon Breath!" 

"Dodge it! Then use Flamethrower!" 

Braixen successfully dodged, and Flygon was hit. Drew's points were further deducted, but Flygon looked pretty good to me.

"Dragon Rage!" Called Drew.

"Sequence two!" Yelled Serena, and even May looked confused. I guess it would be something sneaky.... that May wouldn't know...

Braixen launched a Flamethrower, causing a whole lot of smoke to appear. Then, Flygon was struck down from behind by the only effective move that Braixen knew - Psychic. 

Flygon hit the ground, but it quickly got up again. It looked quite weak, however.

"Earthquake! Finish this now!"

I hoped against hope that that 4th move Braxien had would help somehow....

"Braixen! Use Psychic, fast!"

Braxien quickly issued a low power Psychic, and Flygon hit the ground hard. The issue was, as soon as the dust cleared, Braixen hit the ground, too. And she didn't get back up.

"Drew's plan worked... well, he did have the typeage...." I muttered, as Pikachu cried a sad "Pika..."

"I see your plan.... so go! Pancham!"

At least Pancham wouldn't get hit by a super-effective, unlike Sylveon.

"Go! Roserade!"

Now that Drew has no resistance from other pokemon of Serena's trio, how will she fare?

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