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*Laura's POV*

Taylor and I decided to go get some drinks with Danie, Samira and Natasha as it was a Saturday night and my beautiful blonde said she hasn't been shit-faced in a while. Taylor usually wasn't a bad drunk, sometimes she got aggressive depending on her choice of alcohol, but normally she was calm and collected. She had mentioned that she wanted to get out of control tonight but she also wasn't the biggest party animal.

We headed to Legends bar near W 34th street. It was a decent place to just hangout with a couple friends.

I normally wasn't the girl to have many girl friends, I always used to hang out with just guys. Although ever since Orange I've really enjoyed the girl time. All the girls on set are very down to earth and real, there isn't one pair of people who don't get along on. It's quite the amazing cast.

Taylor and I arrived at Legends and found T, Danie and Mira sitting at a table waiting for us.

"Aye love birds!" Tash yells out to us.

"Well hello beautiful ladies." Tay hugged all three.

We all ordered drinks because the plan was to get completely wasted.I wanted to be a bit sober just to be able to take care of Taylor. So I only wanted a couple beers. My girlfriend on the other hand was taking shots of tequila, rum, and straight vodka. No doubt she was going to be barfing her brains out later and I'll be holding her hair...lucky me.

About two hours passed and Taylor was all over the place. She was alight weight but she drank more then even I could handle, which is a lot. She was talking, or should I say slurring, to Natasha about our relationship.

"Natasha l-let meee ask you something." Tay stuttered.

"What's up drunk stuff?" T was laughing at Taylor's behavior.

"Would you....would you....fuck my girlfriend?" Taylor managed to spill out.

I got a little upset about this because we just had a huge argument not to long ago about this.

"Taylor what the fuck." I pipe up with a giggle to hide my anger.

Natasha has no clue that Tay and I fought about me cheating on Taylor with her.

"Of course I would! Who wouldn't." Tash laughs.

"Hmmm thought soo! You probably already ha-" I grab Taylor by her arm and tell her to come outside.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She rips my hand off hers.

The three of our co-stars look concerned and confused as I pull Taylor outside as she yells at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snap at her.

"Don't you-u fucking treat me like your child." She got in my face with her pointer finger up.

I push her finger away.

"Well you clearly need to be treated this way because you can't handle yourself."

"I'm walking home, the only thing I can't handle right now is you!" Taylor yells and tries to walk away.

I grab her by her wrist and pull her back to stop her from leaving.

"Don't fucking touch me." She pushes me with all the force she has in her weakened body.

I was shocked that she would actually lay her hands on me. I was more hurt that she thought I was trying to control her rather than make her snap out of it. I look over and see Tash standing at the door,she must've watched the whole thing. That was embarrassing. By the time I look back Taylor is no where in sight. I know she is a grown woman but I can't help but worry about a gorgeous, drunk woman out alone at 2am in New York city. I'm assuming she flagged a cab down because the walk back to our house was probably half and hour or so.

"I am so sorry T. Did you see all that?"

"Yep. It's cool kid, but if I were you I would try and go find her or at least call her. It's dangerous out here. Message me when you get home. Good luck." She winked at me and headed back into the bar.

"Fuck." I murmured under my breath as I looked far out and seen Taylor sitting on a bench a few streets down.

I get my car from the bar parking lot and drive over to the street Taylor was sitting down at. I was sober enough to drive and our fight put me back into awareness.

"Get in." I roll down the window and look at Taylor.

"No." She stubbornly says.

I get out of the car and go and sit beside her. No matter how mad I am, I still care for her well-being and safety.

I glance at her for a brief moment and see a loose tear resting on her cheek. I take my thumb and wipe it away.

"C'mon, let's get you home. We'll talk tomorrow." I lift her up and we both get in the car.

The ride home was silent and uncomfortable because I was extremely mad at Taylor for the way she was acting and for getting physical with me, but I also wanted to make sure she was okay and comfortable.

We got inside and Taylor sat on the couch. I knelt down beside her and took off her shoes for her. Then I stood up, walked to the kitchen to pour her a glass of cold water. I handed her the cup and let her hydrate herself. I went to the bathroom, wet a cloth with semi-cold water and went back to see Taylor still in the same position. I sat on the cushion next to her and wiped her face off. Under her eyes especially because her makeup had been messed up from crying. I took the empty cup and used cloth to the kitchen and set them down on the counter. We both walked to the bedroom, still in silence since the bench. We got changed and hopped into bed. After about 5 minutes we both had fallen fast asleep.

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