War Is Coming

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March 19th - 1976

Aurelia's eyes flicked open to the sound of Professor Dumbledore and Hagrid talking in front of her bed in the hospital wing of Hogwarts and the whispers of three boys standing around her. She didn't realize it but someone had been holding her hand yet as soon as her eyes opened, they let go.

Her face instantly went to face the side her hand was on to see both Peter and Sirius and decided not to worry about it, it could've been either of them and she doubted it meant anything. It was still dark outside, so it must've been the middle of the night.

"She an animagus, Dumbledore. I swear I didn't know," Hagrid spoke quickly, trying to stay out of trouble as best as possible.

"Hagrid, do not worry. She's a registered animagus.." he spoke softly, watching the reactions of the three boys. Dumbledore then sighed deeply, "Boys, don't you have somewhere to be right now?"

At first the boys thought he meant they were all supposed to be asleep. But then they realized he meant they were supposed to go find Remus by the way the headmaster was looking at them. All three began to leave Aurelia's side when the door burst open.

"Moony!" Peter yelled excitedly before all of them saw the state he was in.

James was very quick to run forward and help him stand, keeping his friend from falling to the ground. Remus had been covered in blood just like Aurelia was an hour before but he looked worse, like Aurelia had beaten him in the fight.

"Hagrid, I think that will be all, thank you," Dumbledore spoke kindly and quickly, giving the hairy man standing next to him a pat on the shoulder. Hagrid, who looked rather confused, just nodded and followed directions, leaving the hospital wing as quickly as possible.

"Is she okay?" Remus asked, his mind on Aurelia instead of himself as he held his side. Remus attempted to make it to Aurelia's bed but James stopped him, telling him he needs to rest. "Is she okay??" Remus asked again, panic in his eyes.

"She's fine Moony, you need to lay down," James said into his ear. The headmaster watched them carefully, examining the relationships between the boys and Aurelia.

Remus got a good look at Aurelia and then reluctantly let James carry him to the nearest bed. Dumbledore looked between the kids, getting a strange feeling that they would be very important someday. He sucked up his breath as Madam Pomfrey came back in and began to tend to Remus' wounds, specifically one that looked as though a wolf had wrapped its teeth around his neck. "I want you three in bed by four," was all Dumbledore said before walking out, many thoughts on his mind.

As soon as the door closed, all the boys' heads turned to Aurelia, "You're a registered animagus? How did that even happen?" James asked, leaning against the bed. They didn't seem as worried about Remus as they had about Aurelia, probably because this sort of stuff happened to Remus all the time.

Aurelia opened her eyes once more, attempting to keep herself from drifting off. "In America, wizards under age are allowed to be animagi. So when you move over here, they transfer the papers over.. I've been one since I was eleven and started Ilvermorny."

Sirius' face twisted, "Why didn't you tell us?"

Aurelia then turned her head towards the boys, Sirius still sat by her bed, Peter stood in the middle and James was leaning against Remus' hospital bed. She sighed, hoping that they would understand her reason. "Because what you guys do is illegal.. I'm a registered animagus, and seeing as how my parents are working for the ministry, they cannot afford to find out that their daughter is hanging out with a group of boys who do illegal stuff every full moon."

They all understood, she instantly gathered that. But she could tell that they were still angry with her. But she decided that she would wait until they spoke first. She waited for a moment that never came. Remus and Aurelia were left in a room of silence as the other boys left, patting Remus' shoulder as they did.

And then the room was silent. And Aurelia didn't know if she should try and talk to Remus or not. But considering how he rolled onto his side, his back towards her, to fall asleep, she decided to keep quiet.

Eventually she fell asleep and awoke to find nobody there, Remus had been gone, even Madam Pomfrey wasn't there. But as she looked around more, she came face to face with Dumbledore, who sat by her bedside. "Professor Dumbledore?" She asked, confused as to why he would be there.

He instantly sat up straight, "Ah, good morning Aurelia.." his old voice was kind and comforting. Aurelia felt a sense of guidance when he was there.

Aurelia sat up, soon rubbing her head and face, being disturbed when her hand ran over a scar on her face, "Good morning.."

"How are you feeling?" He asked kindly, giving her a gentle smile.

"I feel fine, is Remus okay?" Aurelia didn't waste a breath asking about Remus.

"Oh he's perfectly fine, walked out this morning as quickly as he could. He did ask me to make sure you were okay though.. he was quite worried about you," Dumbledore walked over to a small table with food on it and grabbed a pretzel.

"I think he was more worried about hurting anyon—"

"You are going to give an important attribute to society, Aurelia," Dumbledore told her, thinking deeply about what to say next, "A war is coming, my dear child. And soon the world around you is going to fall apart.. but you must stay strong and surround yourself with friends who will be there for you, even if that includes being with a few illegal animagus'."

Aurelia was slightly confused, although she had been hearing about the rise of the death eaters and their leader, but she had pushed it aside. "You know about them?"

"Nothing on this campus happens without my knowledge.." Dumbledore told her, smiling once more, "Madam Pomfrey says you are free to go if you feel like it.. have a nice day.."

Aurelia had so many questions but the old headmaster left before she could even begin to ask them. She was left in the room, once again in silence before she began to pull herself out of the hospital bed and get dressed, figuring out how to repair her relationships with the boys and do what Dumbledore said that she should do: surround herself with friends who care for her.

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