Secrets Revealed

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"Do you think that your animagus animals say something about you?" Remus asked as they all sat in the Gryffindor common room surrounding the Marauder's map in the center of them on the floor.

"Oh definitely," Aurelia said, not even thinking about it, "Sirius is energetic and loyal but he'll bite back if he feels threatened. That's why he's a dog!" The group laughed and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"And Aurelia is a wolf because she has amazing instinct as well as is loyal and intelligent, and her hair is white so she's a white wolf," James said, a smile on his face as Aurelia blushed, flattered by his words.

"James is a stag because he's like the king of the forest, always looking out for his friends and family," Sirius said to which James smiled at him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"So why am I a rat?" Peter asked, causing the other four's attention to turn to him.

They went silent, none of them could think of something, "I bet it's because you like cheese," Sirius said, causing all five of them to laugh and agree with him.

Aurelia couldn't contain her laughter, falling backwards and causing the boys to laugh even harder at the situation. But soon the laughter died down and they were left in silence, "One more full moon until summer," Remus said, causing everybody to smile.

"Oh, yeah, I can't be there this time, I'm sorry," Aurelia said, causing all the boys to groan and sigh. "Think you guys can handle the big boy without me?" She mocked them.

"Please, we were doing this long before you came along," James said causing the others to agree.

"Out of curiosity, where will you be?" Sirius was the first to ask, though all his guy friends knew it was asked out of jealousy.

"Lily wanted to surprise me with something," Aurelia said, "apparently it's to celebrate our friendship," she added when the boys gave her confused looks.

"Right.." Remus said, "Well, you'll be missed, not that I'll notice, but.. y'know"

Aurelia and the other boys laughed and Aurelia connected eyes again with Sirius and not even ten minutes later, the others had gone to sleep and it was just them two alone. Sirius looked at her eagerly, they hadn't had any alone time since that night at James' house yet their connection had been getting stronger and stronger since holiday break. Now it was May and each of them thought the world of the other, having spent more time focusing on each other.

"Goodnight, Sirius," she said, beginning to walk up the stairs before she felt Sirius wrap his fingers around her wrist and press her against the wall. 

Their bodies were close and the way the moonlight shown onto Aurelia's face from the window next to them made Sirius fall even more in love, though he wouldn't tell her that. "You're so beautiful," was all he said before she was the one to close the gap between their lips.

It was quick though, because Aurelia got too nervous to keep going, she carefully separated from him, "Goodnight, Sirius," she said once more, heading up the stairs to the girls' dormitories. 


"Lily!" Aureliea yelled as Lily bolted down the hill to the Forbidden Forest, "Where on Earth are you going?!" But Lily kept going down the hill, Aurelia looked up at the sky to see the full moon in place, "Merlin's beard.." Aurelia muttered before running after Lily.

As soon as they got around back of Hagrid's hut and were facing the Forbidden Forest, Aurelia finally caught up to her, keeping her voice low, "Where the Bloody Hell do you think you're doing?!"

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