Chapter 0

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Do Kyung Soo, a young man who served as a proffesional war commander when his age just reached 20. He is immediately recruited by general Jo In Sung when he saw his ability in his conscription time. Perfect scores in knowledge, good endurance, amazing skills in self defence. He's more like a robot than a human. Of course general Jo In Sung will not let him go just like that After Kyungsoo agreed, he accept a special training for 2 years and immediately placed as a war commander. It doesn't make sense really, but the general has already convinced the higher ups that Kyungsoo can be responsible to every decision and action that he takes. After Kyungsoo became a commander, they live peacefully for one year. Just one year it takes....

And everything changed.

The world is attacked by unknown creatures. They kill, devour, and take everything they see. And then they left, just like that. Left behind the human race in fear and the world in destruction. Kyungsoo will never forget what happened. Never He can't feel any emotion since then. Can't feel hapiness. Can't feel misery. Can't feel anything. It's like he turns into a compeletly different person. Into a robot, who only does what people says to him, ordered him.

But inside

There's rage.



The desire to kill.

Kill those monsters who attacked his family. With his own hands. He can't wait until that day comes.


So ...this is just the begining,and i'm truly sorry for all the wrong grammar cause english is not my fluent language and i'm trying my best. I hope you like this chap and stay tune for the will be much more complicated later (i guess)


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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