Long part (this is part 42)

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After a good sleep vent woke up and decided to get breakfast. He ran down the escalator and rolled in to the lobby. As he filled his plate with bacon and peanuts he thought about what he should do. Pill glanced at the epipen one more time then fell asleep. Vent was only staying in Japan for 3 nights. So he decided to go to Tokyo tower. So vent heading upstairs to get dressed. As he was about to leave his telli (that what he calls a phone) rang. He flopped over and picked it up. "Hello", yelled vent. "Hello vent." The voice was speaking in a normal voice, "Your plane is going to die in in two days so your flight has been moved to tomorrow, BYE!" "uh, oh", said vent better do what I wanted to do today. Vent headed down to the famous tree! Once he got there he grabbed some tacos and flew in a drone to the top on the tree. Up there, he ate his tacos and swam in some grass. As he climbs down the tree he decided to go to a shoe party, on the roof of a chimney.... After he celebrated the SHOES! He read his way back to the hotel. Meaning he stopped at every library possible. Once he got back he brushed his teeth, then had a snack, the took a shower, and fell asleep on the couch! He got up in the morning quickly took a shower, did 5 treadmills... (Idek) He then packed up all of his stuff and walked to the airport. He boarded his plane and he was off to Spain!!!!!! When Vent got to Spain he went to the hotel he booked called "said a statement". He jumped to the desk and asked for his room he booked online, but since he left Japan early, his hotel room wasn't ready so he had to go find another hotel. Skipping down the road in Spain he found a bigggggggg building that said hotel on the door, "ok", said vent, "let's see what this is about". Vent walked in and lined up at a desk to see if there's any extra rooms. When he got to the counter a nice person spoke Spanish, "bonjour!! Comment ça va?" (😉🙃) "English?", Vent said. "Oh, sorry, yes, ok, whoops, sorry, again, sorry, ahem, welcome to "the hotel" how can I help you?" "I need a room", spoke vent. "oh yes, let's see... would you like room number 2791?" "Uhhhhhhhhh.........idk do I?", questioned vent. "Oh yes you will love this room it has a shower", the nice lady explained. "A SHOWER!! YAS! I'll take that room!!!", yelled vent. Maybe a bit to loud because everyone look over at him. "Whoops", Vent whispered "ya a shower!!" "Okay the room is yours, here's your key". After vent payed he took the elevator and took a 30 min shower!! Vent went outside and strolled down the street to find something to eat. He found this nice place that served Indian food. PERFECT! After he ate he decided to do a job for free, leave blowing! After 32 seconds of leave blowing he got bored so he decided to go home and take another shower in brown bubbles. Then he went to sleep. He slept till noon the next day then he woke up had a cold grey happy shower. Vent packed his stuff up and when to check into his other hotel (called "said the statement") as he climbed like a whale down the bright pink road to "said the statement" he saw a elevator that was cooking it self, so of corse he had to go side towards the rainbow on it. After he was done that activity he when to "said the statement". Vent linked into the lobby and asked for his room. His room was on the 174 floor and for some reason he decided to take the stairs. It took him 2000 minutes but eventually he got there. "That was enough exercise for today so he decided to order some take out. He order general cow chicken. Pill finally landed in Japan, once he got wifi it said that VENT WAS IN SPAIN! "Nuuuuuuuuuuu!!!", yelled pill. After Vent finished his food he decided to play some volleyball with his playground. Pill needed to find the fastest plane to Spain so he went to a flight attendant and asked, "does this plane go to Spain. The flight attendant said, "no but it goes to France". Close enough thought pill. So he stayed on the plane in the food cart eating all of da peanuts. Vent decided he needed to go to bed, so he hoped on to his bed did a twirl and fell asleep. King, king I am king, the samosas were the best thing he had that day but then he was king. A king of what though, the birds, the carpets, hmmm that sounded good, I AM THE KING OF CARPETS. Hmmm, maybe not. But oh those samosas were bomb!! **flipp The sea the beach, what was more great then having some carrots on the seat beach, oh nothing was better. no wait, there was something better then this, but oh, oh, what is it? Walking, walking, where is it? Found it, the samosas. **flipp its a chair, no not a chair, a cat of corse it's a cat. wait who said anything bout a cat, wut? NO ITS A SAMOSA!!! **flipp La la le la la le la la le la. singing what the samosas rain down on me. What a joy! hmhmhmhmh mhmhmmhmh. SAMOSAAAAA! dung!!! **flipp There once was a jolly jolly tree, a pink, pine tree to be exact, it was 50 steps away he could smell it. walking, walking wait, he could not move. Something was stoping him. What is that? Gosh. What is that? Looking down, down, down, down a hole, no uhhh. A SAMOSA. "AhhhhhHHHhHhhhhHHH", vent was screaming, "ah, ah, ah". 1000 seconds later Vent found him self leaning against a pole. Not a normal pole a yellow pole, "what is up there", Vent mumbled. For the rest of the day he continued to stare at the pole. Eventually Vent's eyes we bulging and glowing green. He decided he need some food. He found a can of something called 'the colour has 2 holidays' I think this would be fine to eat. He ran back to he hotel and walked inside, from there he jogged to the escalator and finally got to his room. Then he ate this can. Vent was eating this mystery can when he turned green... Then yellow... "oops", said Vent Probs shouldn't have eaten that oh well. Sleep time for Vent before he needed to eat? Pill was about to lab in Paris for some food. He got to a random hotel and checked in. Once he was connected to the wifi he decided to eat some bananas while he checked his watch and the epipen. Finally he has enough to have a banana kingdom. Vent really wanted to make a bread tower castle thingy, so he went to go find some bread. He got some 82 slices of white bread, 43 slices of brown bread and 104 slices of blue bread. Now he needed a place to put this structure. "Ah ha", yelled vent so everyone 2 ca away turned there heads to look at him. "I shall put my bread thingy magnifier in the hart of the harp". And if you don't know where that is it means 56 mm to the left of where Vents untied shoe strap was. As he made his way over to this destination he saw a beautiful, hot, blond shirt. Vent ignored that. As he started building this majestic one of a kind structure thingy he realized he needed s name! Vent wanted to someone else to name it so he continued on building. Once all but one bread slices were use he asked a fion (fish lion) what the name should be. "Hmmmmmmmmmm", thought fion "hm, hm, hm. How bout hugy". "Ok", agreed Vent. "Hugy it is". Just the a whale came up from the ground and ATE HUGY!!!! "Kool!", they mumbled together in sync. "Let get some linner (lunch dinner) together", said fion. "Yas", replied vent. "How bout we go to this place, they serve EVERYTHING!" "Works for me. By the way, I never got your name." "Oh. I'm sorry. My name is Melton." "Nice to meet you Melton now let's go!" Once they got to the restaurant vent was really wanting some lettuce. But then the service people brought out broccoli! "What if I wanted something else?", asked vent. Replying, Melton said, "you said this restaurant was fine." "But all they serve is broccoli." "What in the chinchillas is broccoli??" "This." Vent pointed at his plate. "That isn't broccoli, that's everything. I guess what ever you call broccoli in your language is called everything in my language." "So", vent said clearly. "This is everything?" "Yup." Replied Melton, "this is everything. So vent ate his broccoli/everything quietly. "Well nice meeting you", vent said while waving goodbye to this fion thing. "Bye", replied Melton. Pill woke up the next day needing to get to Spain. Buttttttt he really wanted to explore Paris for a few days or so. Pill wasn't that smart so he decided to stay in Paris for a bit longer. Vent had bout a hour or two before he needed to get some dinner so he decided he wanted to dance for strangers. Victim #1: what Vent could see this was a very small moctopus (mouse octopus) he vent up to this species and did a droopy dance. The moctopus laughed and went on her way. Victim #2: a chickurdle (chicken turtle) Yea. That chickurdle couldn't care less at vents dancing. Victim #3: a cow. Just a straight up cow. And I don't want to write about this anymore so... Vent is now going to get dinner. After 3 milliseconds later he decided he wanted b burger with 10 000 pieces of lettuce. LETTUCES 4 DAYS!! He didn't k ow where the best place to get his order. Oh yea!!! So he decided to ask the cow. Vent lucked out the cow said the place to get this order was at chatys. "Ok", said vent "where is chatys?" "Simple", replied the cow. "Right then left then backwards then forwards the to the left again" "oh wow that's very simple", replied vent. And off he goes. 3 seconds later he got to this burger place and ordered take out cuz he wanted to go watch some television back at his hotel. Skipping back to his hotel singing, "la, la, la" holding this big box with his burger that sadly only had 5 000 pieces of lettuce. When he got back to his room he open up his box and took out the burger. He then took his burger apart and ate all the lettuce. Then ate the rest of the burger. He then finished he TV show called cat dog. And fell asleep. The next day Vent realized he only had a few more days left in Spain before he had to go to England and was wondering what he should do. Vent decided to go for a stroll and look at all the nice animals. He saw so many animals. Like so many!! Vent realized he dint have breakfast so he when into a corn store and got some bread. He walked to a bench, sat down, and just enjoyed the smell of his bread. THEN HE ATE IT. NOM NOM NOM!! Continuing to look around he saw something that caught his eye. Vent rubbed his eyes. Then looked again. he could not believe his eyes. IT. WAS. A. FIG. "OMG". And if y'all were wondering Vent ate the last bread slice... and BAM 2000 words. OML that was so hard..... (I can't paragraph..... helup)

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