The Hazards and Rewards of Being a Lord

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Everyone had already dug in by the time he and Arya sat down to eat. He didn't mind of course, but the plump woman, Marta, was scandalized. She was also confused at his refusal of any wine or spirits. Arya didn't have it in her to refuse where drinks were concerned. Shireen is given none, so Gendry accepts a bit of ale and sneakily passes it to her. She looks shocked and thrilled both at the unexpected trick, but her face immediately scrunches up in disgust at the first taste. He laughs out loud at that, and everyone turns to look at him. Apparently, he'd inherited his father's booming laugh. Arya puts her hand on his thigh and smiles at him, then goes back to her chowder. He almost wishes she hadn't done that, it makes the rest of the dinner a blur, and he barely tastes the sour plum ice cream as he wolfs it down.

Shireen cautiously tries another sip, to the same results.

"My brothers always used to sneak me a sip of their beer." Arya comments. "I thought we were being so secretive, but my father knew the whole time."

"Father would never let me try alcohol." Shireen responds.

"Why am I not surprised?" Arya murmurs around her glass.

"Well, you shouldn't have it, I just wanted you to taste it." Gendry explains.

"I don't like the taste anyway." She says.

You don't drink it for the taste, to be honest. Yoren had said once.

But just then, there's an, "Oye!" It's Lommy, of all people. 

"I propose a toast." And everyone raises their glass. "To Lord and Lady Baratheon, may they live long and well." Everyone agrees and glasses clink, followed by hearty chugging. Marta comes around and refills their drinks, but stops at Arya.

"That dress looks lovely on you, Milady." She flatters. "I'm glad to see it going to use."

"Oh, it's one of the late Lady Baratheon's," Arya says modestly.

"Still, it suits you Milady." And he has to agree.

"Thank you, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name." Arya inquires.

"Marta." He whispers loudly. To which Marta looks surprised and pleased to be remembered, hurrying to give him another serving of ice cream.

Shireen is staring at her dessert and had been since the mention of her mother.

"Alright, then?" He asks. She smiles and nods, but he can tell she doesn't mean it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think." Arya apologizes. Wait what, what was he missing? "It was your mother's. I should have asked you first." Oh. Arya looks upset as well.

"No, of course. You're Lady Baratheon now." Shireen insists, playing with her food.

"Yes, but so are you. I'm sure she would have wanted you to have her things." In actuality, Selyse Baratheon had died a few years ago, meaning her things had remained untouched for quite some time.

"I don't think so."

"And there's jewelry, not much, but... after dinner let's take a look together. In fact, there was a blue dress that would look lovely with your eyes." Shireen blushes bright red, unused to compliments; he'll have to make a point of fixing that. Arya looks over at him with a smile, and he feels his heart swell. Family, finally.

He's still eating the rest of the ice cream, when Arya, Shireen, and Merilee get up from the table. He starts to get up as well but Arya puts a gentle hand on his shoulder.

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