Deserving Paradise

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Deserving Paradise

This really close friend of mine who prays like everyday, she recites the Qur'an as much as she can, she doesn't leave a single fast in Ramadaan on purpose and she is the nicest Muslim I've ever met, tells me after reading this series that she doesn't think she is even 0.1% close to being a good Muslim.

Why? Because she feels that what all she is doing is very less.

She isn't doing much to deserve the reward she is hoping for, which is Jannah. SubhanAllah, she you know amazes me at times like these.

May Allah bless her with an even stronger faith and grant her the highest place in Jannah, and make her every bit deserving of it. Ameen ya Rabbi.

Coming to the point. How to become deserving of Jannah?

Let me start with those few Muslim's who don't even do the basic things to enter Jannah.

Number ONE basic thing is obedience. Obedience to Allah, the Creator of the World's. Obedience without questioning His authority.

Like in case of hijab. Ive heard some girls say, "Hijab is so out dated!!! I mean when Allah introduced it, it was like some 1400 yrs ago, like seriously its 21st century, He will understand if i just you know, not wear it, its not like the end of the world." SERIOUSLY!!!  SERIOUSLY!!!

Our job is submittion to the will of Allah, its not to question His authority.

And under obedience comes your Salaah, your prayers. Salaah differentiates Muslims from Non Muslim. Salaah is the difference between a believer and a non believer and what are we doing? We are taking it as if its no big deal, like without praying we would be granted Jannah, just like that.


Who are you kidding? Yourself?  Why?

You won't even be a true Muslim if you miss Salaah! Missing Salaah is a kabeerah gunnah, the biggest sin, a sin which Allah subhaanahu wata'ala will not forgive.

And your accounts on the day of Judgement if i remember correctly will be opened with the question of Salaah.

The first question you will be asked on the Judgment day will be Salaah, your prayers.

Start praying if you haven't already, because you won't be able to blame satan infront of Allah like you blame him here, "satan made me lazy! satan made me miss it! satan made me tired!"

Nope, these lines won't work, because satan will down right say that, "i just showed you the way out but YOU were the one who took it, i just send you an email but YOU were the one who clicked it, i just gave you an option but YOU were the one who agreed upon it!!! Don't blame it on me, blame it on YOURSELF."

Don't postpone prayer, don't say il start praying when i turn like 30 or 40. You don't even know if you'd wake up the next day, you don't know how close to death you are, you don't know whose next in the Angel of Death's list.

So start praying, for your sake. The beginning may seen real real hard, but the peace you feel after that is unexplainable and soooo immense. And you know what, SubhaanAllah, Allah is soooo good that after like 2-3 days you start looking forward to your prayers, you start enjoy praying immensely and you realize its importance in your life, because look, we all have problems right, some or the other family issue, job issue, finance issue and what not, but when you pray and after praying when you make duaa, you know that from here it's only gonna get better or that the end is going to be worth it or that your gift at the end of that trial will be waiting for you, packed up and ready to open.

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