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So, I got bored one day and decided to create a thing. These were originally not going to be any type of wing, but I decided why the 🤐 not?

For right now, their called Namelesswings cause I don't have a name for dem. If you having suggestions for their names, comment them!
Sorry it's sideways.

Deez babs have no wings, but they have an awesome mane that runs from their head to farther then their adorable tiny tail

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Deez babs have no wings, but they have an awesome mane that runs from their head to farther then their adorable tiny tail. Their bodies are usually white or a very very pale color similar to their mane. The only weapons beside retractable claws is that they have the same venom in their mouths as a Dragonbite Viper. Because of this, they're immune to all types of poison. They are also highly competitive because of their ranks 👇

In their society, there are 4 ranks.
4- lowest class, red and black manes.
3- orange and yellow manes
2- white, purple, and green manes
1- blue manes, ones that r sky blue can fight the leader to gain leadership.
If, say a rank 5 Namelesswing does something awesome and amazing, they can become a rank 4, but they can't move up another rank. It can happen with all ranks(except rank 1 of course). It's uncommon, but not rare for that to happen.

This is a closed species. Only if you win a contest will I maybe allow the winner to have one.

Sorry for the lack of art. I've had pretty severe artblockitis. So... yeah.


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