Embaressed for life

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Evan's POV

Walking to the girl with dirty blonde hair, I looked so embarrassed. The time I reached her, I was already speechless. "Can I help you?" She said. " What is your name?" I said. "Purity."
"My name is-
"I know who you are." Purity said. "Sassy, I like sassy!" I said."Are you an idiot!" Purity said." This hall is for gifted people, you moron!" That's when I realized I was in the gifted hall! I turned around to see people laughing like hyenas, and I guessed it. "You a star now!" Someone yelled. Than I noticed principal Belline, walking to me, looking disappointed at me. "Come with me." She said. I came with her, feeling uncomfortable, because she had her arm gripping my arm to her office. Once I came to her office, I noticed a strange, note on her chair. "What the heck is this note?" She said. She read it out loud. "The Smalls kid put a trap on his teacher's chair." It said. After reading, the principal ran out of the office, down the hall. Out of nowhere, Purity, and her "buddies" came to the "rescue." "Wow, she left quick!" Purity said, out of breath, like she ran down the hall. "Come on, slow poke!" Purity said. We were just walking Down the hallway. "Are you sure we can do this?" Rebecca said, looking worried." Yes!" Purity said." You sure?" I said, also worried. "Shut up, and let me concentrate!" Purity said. "Isn't Belline going to notice that I'm gone?" I said, wimpy." Shut up!" Purity screamed. Than out of nowhere, Belline came charging at us, furiously." Oh no!" Rebecca screeched at us. "Come on, follow me!" I said. After, all of us ran out of the hallway, to the exit, and entrance.

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