Little Black Bag

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Qwim quietly sat on the white hospital bed, staring at Thursday. Thursday stared back at Qwim and the stuffed rabbit. 

"Can I tell you something important?" Thursday asked, still not shifting his gaze. 

"Sure, I guess.." Qwim blinked down at his mangled legs. 

"Well-" A knock interrupted Thursday. A nurse cracked open the hospital room's door.

"You have quests. Can I let them in?" She asked. Qwim and Thursday both nodded. The nurse stepped aside, letting in the two's friends.

"We'll get Ex-rays as soon as we possibly can. Is there anything I can get for any of you?" She asked. 

"Doesn't look it. Thank you anyways." Thursday answered quietly. The nurse nodded, closing the door behind her. Thursday got up from a seat to let another sit down. He sat next to Qwim on the hospital bed. 

"Seems like you have the worse luck, Qwim.. Sorry, Hun." Minoriko stood next to the door while Gale sat down. Qwim nodded, holding the stuffed rabbit close. 

"It all started after the Panneam fire." Qwim looked at Minoriko. 

"How exactly did you get out without burning to death?" Saf asked, cocking his head. Qwim glanced at Cicilian.

"Someone saved me." Qwim answered quietly, looking at Saf sat on a counter. Ledan raised an eyebrow at Cicilian. Cicilian shook his head, not wanting to explain why Qwim glanced at him. 

"Ugh!!" Ruby scoffed, picking up a little black bag from Ruben's lap. "It's so quiet and gloomy in here." Ruby unzipped the bag. "I brought nail polish." She smiled at Qwim, holding up the bag. Qwim looked up at Ruby. He handed Thursday his rabbit and asked for her to paint his nails.

"I had a feeling you'd like that." She sat next to Qwim. She carefully took one of his hands into one of her own. "Pink?" She asked, rummaging through the bag with her other hand. 

"Yes please." Qwim slightly smiled. 

"Can you paint mine too?!" Saf asked loudly, swaying his legs. Ruby ignored Saf, grabbing a pink nail polish bottle. She began painting Qwim's nails. Saf scoffed.

"Can I at lease paint my own nails?" 

"Get off your ass and c'mere then." Ruby smirked, carefully painting Qwim's nails bubblegum pink just like his hair. Saf hopped off of the counter and grabbed the bag next to Ruby. He rummaged through, finding a perfect shade of 'red'. 

"Oooooh, pretty." Saf smiled at the bottle of nail polish. 

"I can paint your nails if you want me to." Rhys smiled, cocking his head. Saf gasped handing Rhys the bottle of nail polish.

"Please and thank yah!!" Jamie got up from Rhys's lap and sat on the floor next to him. Saf sat on the floor in front of Rhys as well. Rhys began painting his little brother's nails.

An hour passed, and still nothing from any doctor or nurse. No one came to check up on Qwim. Nothing. 

"Do you think they forgot about Qwim?" Ledan asked, squinting his purple-blue eyes. Cicilian, Saf and Rain all shrugged. 

"Dunno." Saf tapped his now painted nails on the counter. 

"I'm sure they're busy. I'm not in any pain now that I'm drugged up, so there's no need to hurry." Qwim played with one of the rabbit's ears. "Unless, if you all want to go back to school." 

Everyone shook their heads. "Fuck that." Everyone rolled their eyes. Qwim giggled, nodding.

"Thought you'd all say something along those lines." Qwim leaned against Thursday's side. 

"We were excused, I'm not going back if I have a reason to be out of that hell hole." Rain crossed his arms, huffing.

"Hey now, Ogden's school is the best school you could go to." Gale snipped. "Be happy you don't have to go to some low income public school." He glared at Rain sat on the counter.

"Ohh Rainy, Grumpy Grandpa Gale gave you the death glareee!!" Saf mocked Rain.

"Fuck off." Rain flipped his Meister off.

"Ruude!!" Saf huffed, turning his head away from his Weapon. A knock came from the door, surprising just about everyone. 

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