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Disclaimer: I know this photo isn't the real Jack and Jackie, but I feel lik the love they show in this picture describes the scene so well.

Jackie made sure to hold her on as they waltzed. She tried not to show her limping either. They waltzed across the floor, Jack Kennedy's right hand possessively over her back.

"You've never danced before, have you?" He asked, looking into her eyes. She was uncomfortable, but she tried not to show it. Her ankle was throbbing.

"No," she responded, evenly. She had to crane her neck to look up at him. He was six foot tall, she could say that.

His eyes are sparkling, with amusement clouding them. "Why not? I can't believe you've not had a date either."

She tried not to reveal too much information. "The man I was engaged with. He cheated on me."

His eyes fill with anger for a second, but then he blinks and they fade away. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

Jackie returned the look he gave her a smile. "It's fine. It wasn't you, was it?" She was lost in his eyes.

He leans close. "I can assure you it wasn't, " he says as they stop dancing. He stares into her eyes. "Do you know your way around here?"

She smiles a little, looking at him. "Should I know my way?"

He guides her back to sit down. "What's with your leg?" He asks instead, noticing she's holding it up like a limp.

She frowns and looks down. "Why do you ask? It's nothing."

He quirks an eyebrow. He doesn't believe her.

"It's nothing," she assures him. "Just wasn't looking where I was going..."

He lifts her leg up at her consent. She grits her teeth. "It looks swollen," he says inspecting it.

She shrugs.

"Maybe you should come upstairs with me and we could check it out," he suggests, looking down at the red spot.

She doesn't answer him. "Senator? Hello?" He tries to get her back into the present.

"Fine," she finally says.

"Do you need help walking?" He asks.

Why is he treating me like a baby? It takes Jackie enough sense not to snap at him. "No," she says.

He pulls away from her and doesn't respond. After walking for what seems like hours, he finds his newly located room. He finds the door unlocked with the set of keys lying in the kitchen. "Go lie down on the couch," he instructs her.

She hesitates. Is this really a good idea?

"The door will be locked," he says, noticing her worried gaze.

With that said, it seems to calm her down a bit. She goes to sit down on the couch.

He goes to find the fridge before coming back with ice in a small bag. She frowns at him, but says nothing.

He sits down and examines her leg. He unwraps the bandage around her ankle and compresses the ice pack to her leg. She closes her eyes.

When she opens them, Jack Kennedy is incredibly close. Jackie feels her breath being sucked away. She remembers what Nixon told her.

He looks into her eyes for several seconds before looking away. She can't look away from him.

He leans in and she opens her mouth for the kiss.

Jackie is so embarrassed. Although she loves the smooth feeling of his lips, she pulls away. "O-oh! I'm sorry," she apologizes.

Jack looks at her as she pulls away. "Senator... I..."

She stands up, despite her wounded ankle.

"I think..." he breathes slowly. "You should stay here."

"I'd love to," she said, trying to remain calm, "but I have to-"

He presses his fingers to her lips. "Please, Jackie. Stay with me. Just for tonight."

She hesitates. "But..."

"I'm not married," he says leaning in closer, "please..."

She loses all composure at that point. He's so charming and so full of light. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply.

His rough, warm hands wrap around her slim, slender body. He kisses her again, before they tumble into the safety and warmth of the bed.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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