Bat Fam x Reader

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 Story: The boys are having a rough morning (Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian) until Y/N comes and tries to bring the family to peace.


You: 19

Dick: 24

Jason: 20

Tim: 18

Damian: 13

Dick's P.O.V:

It was a nice relaxing Saturday morning...almost. Okay, it was the total opposite. I slumped onto the couch, clicking through the channels with the remote. Bruce was out doing some business, Jay was in the kitchen, Y/N was probably sleeping in, and Tim and Damian were constantly arguing about the patrol last night. 

"For the millionth time Drake, I had him!" Damian shouted, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well, you were stalling for a moment, so I took the chance seeing that you weren't going to do anything about it for the next second!" Tim shot back.

"But i still had him!" 

"Apparently you didn't!"

"What makes you think that?!" 

"Well If you DID, then I would've let you have him!" 

"Guys!" I interfered, tired of hearing them bicker like tiny children. They both turned their heads to face me, both expressions like an angry bull. 

"All that matters is that you got the bad guy, so can you mature a little and stop fighting. It won't get you guys anywhere," I continued, trying to bring peace to the whole thing. They glared at me for a moment, before returning back to yelling. Well, at least I tried.

"Had him!"

"Did not!"

"Had him!"

"Did Not!"



"oh will you two SHUT UP FOR ONCE!" Jay roared, as he walked out of the kitchen. He sat onto the sofa next to me, mumbling something about imature sh!t-heads.  Wow, his mood was crap. 

The two just glared at Jay and continued arguing. Just as I thought all hell was bound to break loose, the one and only Y/N walked out of the hallway. 

"Morning gu-uh, guys?" She said as she walked over to Jason and me. 

"Y/N!" I greeted happily. Gosh, I've never been glad to see her in all my life. Well, except for that time when Harley - nevermind. Jay didn't say anything, but I swore I saw him glance up at her and let out a small sigh of relief. She sat down on the couch next to Jay, looking at the two robins curiously. 

"What's up with them?" She blandly asked, tilting her head towards their direction. I was about to tell her everything, but Jay beat me to it. 

"They're acting like complete sh!t-heads."

"Well that tells me a lot," She sighed.

"They're fighting about the patrol last night. We weren't there, but apparently Tim caught  the criminal even though Damian was on to him. Now Damian's upset about it, and voila! Here we are, caught in the middle of a hell storm," I said. She just nodded, letting out an "ooooh". 

"Why don't you go somewhere else?" She asked. 

"Well, this couch is comfortable," I said, shrugging. Surprisingly, Jay nodded in agreement. She just face-palmed at us. Suddenly, she stood up, and marched the not so far distance to the two bickering birds. 

"Will you two please stop fighting," she sighed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Buzz off L/N," Damian muttered.

"Hey, you don't talk to Y/N like that! Especially when she's being nice!" Tim roared. 

"I do what I want!"

"Oh really?! Who do you think you are?!" 

"Jeez, take a chill-pill you two," she said, taking a step back. Jay and I watched her, scared for her life. 

"Listen: I know you don't get along very well, but that's no excuse for acting like two six year children. Tim you're 18, and Dami you're 13. You should be a little more mature about this. It was only a criminal, not some huge villain. Damian, life isn't always fair and you've learned that apparently. Tim, have some faith in Damian and let him do things himself. Now why don't we get along with the day and stop making this house miserable to be in for the rest of us, okay?" Y/N said. The Tim and Damian looked at the ground, frowning. 

"Okay, fine," They both finally sighed in unison. My eyes went dry from them being so wide. I looked at Jay, pure shock shining on his face. Tim headed off into the kitchen, but Damian stayed where he was. 

"Sorry Y/N for being rude earlier," He mumbled.

"Aw, it's okay. Your apology is accepted," She said, grinning and ruffling his hair. He just remained silent and stalked off into the hallway. Jay's jaw seemed to drop to the ground. 

"You shamed Damian Wayne?!" I exclaimed as she propped herself onto the sofa in between us.

"Yup," She replied, popping the p. 

"HOW?!" Jay yelled, almost stressed. She just shrugged, and closed her eyes as she leaned back into the sofa. Jay and I just looked at each other, stunned. 

"Hey, why don't we go and see a movie?" She said, shooting up. I nodded my head in agreement, and Jay did as well. 

"Great! I'll go tell the robins!" She said, grinning and running into the kitchen.

When she was finally gone and the coast was clear, we decided to start making a deal about it. "What just happened?" Jay asked, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. 

"It was a miracle," I whispered, over dramatically. Then we burst out laughing. 

"No sh!t sherlock!" Jay said, and we continued to laugh. 

"No, but really, that Y/N works some magic," Jay sighed. I couldn't agree with anyone more in my entire life. 

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