1 - Damian Wayne x Reader (pt.1)

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Story: You are a member of the Teen Titans, when Damian Wayne is introduced to the team. (Based off of the movie "Justice League vs. Teen Titans".

(Btw, your costume is kind of like Black Widow's, but with a hood.)

Y/N = your name

H/C = hair color

Your p.o.v:

"Okay, so remember guys, be as nice and welcoming as we can!" Kori said, straightening up and towering over us. 

Garfield, Raven, Jaime and I looked at eachother, shrugging. I honestly wasn't looking forward to this. At all. I hated meeting new people. I was actually starting to like the team, especially Raven. She understands me the most , since she's been in my mind. When she did it at first, I was terrified and angry. But then I learned that having someone feel and see what I've been through, especially when it's hard for me to talk about it, feels good and comforting. I glanced over at Raven, and she gave me a small nod indicating that everything will be alright. I took a deep breath in, and looked ahead to see nightwing speeding down the road. 

When the vehicle halted to a stop, Nightwing hopped out along with another...smaller boy. I gripped onto my throwing knives hanging off the side of my belt. This other boy looked to be around 13 and 14 years old. He had a green mask similar to Nightwing's, black messy hair, and the robin costume on. 

Nightwing and Kori greeted each other, the boy not saying a single word. 

"This is Damian. The new Robin," Nightwing finally said, introducing him. Kori bent down lower to his eye level.

"Welcome Damian," She said. Damian just glared at us, and started to walk off. 

"I'll be in my room," he said, heading towards the entrance.

"Would you like t-" Kori started, but was cut off rather rudely by Damian.

"I think I can manage," he muttered, disappearing into the tower.

After that, I immediately walked away, brushing my H/C hair out of my face. I wasn't mad or anything, I just wanted to get back to my room as quick as possible.

(Timeskip to later in the day)

I was waiting with the rest of the team while Damian hogged the training machine. I watched as he sliced the holograms in half with his katana, the figures dissolving into little green blocks. 

"He hasn't stopped for an hour and a half," Jaime stated, clearly annoyed. 

"Damian, it's time to let others have their turn," Kori said, walking in. 

"I'm not finished!" He grunted as he continued to destroy the figures. Damn, he was stubborn. I watched his every move, predicting what he'd do next. That was, until Jaime shut off the simulation.

"Gee, how'd that happen?" Jaime smirked sarcastically. I saw Damian's face heat up with anger as he glared at us.  Though I saw he was reaching his hand for a batarang in his belt. I readied myself for what was about to come next. In less than a second, the batarang was whizzing towards Jaime, but my throwing knife interfered and knocked it out of the air. 

"Not cool," I said blankly, crossing my arms. Damian just smirked at me. 

"I was trying to see how fast his tech was, but it seems like you're faster. I'd like to see how  fast you can go," He stated still smirking. I felt that anger rush to my face at. How dare he disrespect us like that?! I walked forward till' i was only a couple of feet away from him. 

"Listen, show some respect!" I demanded as he just glared at me. 

"Alright! I can see we are getting off on the ... wrong foot? Damian this is a team effort. You need to be willing to accommodate others," Kori sighed, crossing her arms behind her back. 

Damian said something back, but I didn't hear it. I was too busy studying his costume, and what weapons he probably had on him. I knew for sure he had a katana, and batarangs. I recognized Raven's voice as she chimed in.

"Everyone needs a home Damian. You included," She said, crossing her arms. 

"Thanks for chiming in witch girl," Damian muttered. That was it. 

"Don't talk to my friends like that!" I yelled. Damian's eyes narrowed, and i prepared for an attack. I saw him position himself to shove me, then after that he planned on kicking me in my gut, knocking me over, and kicking me into the wall. And that was exactly what he did. I dodged the shove, jumping over his shoulder. He stumbled forward just a bit, and I took that as my opportunity to kick him in the back. He fell, but  got back up with a roll-over. Then, he jumped and attempted to kick me in the head. I grabbed his foot, and swung him around, throwing him 20 feet back. 

"Oh it's on!" he yelled, grabbing his katana. I grabbed my staff (kind like nightwing's) and positioned it to defend myself. He charged at me, and went for a jab at my stomach. I dodged it, and went for a hit on his head, but he blocked it with his katana. Then, he kicked me in the stomach, which sent me flying back. I hit the wall and crumpled to the ground. 

"DAMIAN, STOP!" Kori gasped in horror.

"You're fast Y/N. But not fast enough," he said as he started to walk towards me. But I wasn't going to lose against him. I gripped one of my throwing stars, and then sent it whizzing towards him. I would give me time to get up as he would  block or dodge it.  

I looked up at him just in time to see him getting blasted back by a miniature fiery explosion. My eyes widened in shock. 

"DAMIAN!" Kori gasped flying towards him, along with the rest of the team. I stumbled up, and ran over as well. He was lying on his back, half his face burnt. That's when I realized I used the wrong star. It was an explosive one that explodes when it makes contact with another object after it's been thrown. Damian must've brought his katana in front of his head to deflect it, but when it hit, it exploded in his face. I gulped. 

"I'm-i'm so sorry," I said as I immediately ran out of the room, and down the hall.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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