Chapter 1

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My thoughts whirled through my head as I lay on my bed and after a while I decided on going into town for a bit to clear my head. I haven't been to town since I moved here three years ago. I got of my bed and looked around my room my head whirring, trying to think of a plan to get out of the house without my dad seeing. I could hear him in his bedroom upstairs. I ran out of the room as quickly as I could and out of the house. I kept running and running even though my dad could no way see me now. I loved going into town, it was so colourful and busy whereas home was the exact opposite-dull and quiet. I strolled past boutiques,hairdressers,supermarkets and candy stores. I had a few shiny pound coins jangling in my empty pockets, and so I considered getting a haircut but my dad might notice. I decided to go and get a coffee at the local cafe across the road. It was of course the prettiest cafe in town. It was owned by the richest and the most glamorous woman and her daughter. I stepped into the small room, however it was empty, not even any waitresses. Then I noticed it a letter in a envelope from the boarding school I always wanted to go to- Charm School for girls. The last few minutes were a blur all I could remember was me snatching the letter and running away home.

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