Attracted to danger

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"Honey, can you get some juice from the fridge?"

I heard my mother mutter from the other side of the room.

Our kitchen was big and sort of... well homey I guess. For as long as I could remember my mom had been obsessed with eating healthy. She was basically the definition of a health freak. Lucky me, right?

"Sure mom, just a sec"

I replied while putting away my phone and walking towards the fridge. I opened the door and searched for organic juice, but with no luck.

"We're out of juice mom, do you want me to go to the store and pick up some before I leave for work?"

Okay so let's be honest here; Normally I probably wouldn't have offered, but I could use some fresh air before I went down to the station. Yes, the police station. I was an intern there, and was going to be for the rest of the summer. I am seventeen years old. I live with my mom, my dad, and my older brother Peter. Part time that is.

After I got the internship at the station, my parents bought me an apartment in the city so that I wouldn't have to travel an hour to and from work everyday. I usually stay there from Monday til Friday, and then I travel back here to be with my family during the weekend. It took a whole lot of convincing to make my parents go along with it, but in the end they just couldn't resist my puppy dog eyes.

I quickly brushed through my long dark hair, and applied a bit of eyeliner under and above my oceanblue eyes before I grabbed my jacket and went out the door. I was wearing light blue skinny-jeans, a white T-shirt, and my black jacket.



I almost dropped the juicebottle I was holding when a tall man wearing a mask ran into the store with a gun in his hand.

The entire store went quiet in the in a matter of seconds. Shaky hands reached into the air. Myself, I was too shocked to do anything. I was standing close to the counter, only about ten feet away from him. There were three people in front of me, including the woman behind the counter.

"GET OUT THE MONEY AND PUT THEM IN THE BAG!" the masked man yelled to the woman behind the counter. She looked to be around fifty years old, and obviously terrified. Her salt and pepper hair was short, and she ran a hand through it while muttering something under her breath.

I watched as she followed his order, but something else caught my eye. The young woman standing in front of me reached into her bag and picked up a phone. I watch in horror as she dialed 911, and prayed silently that he wouldn't see her. Unfortunately for her, he did.

I heard a shot being fired, and the woman in front of me dropped to the ground. I gasped as I realized what had just happened.

Then there was only one man left between me and the killer with the gun. He was short and looked to be around thirty years old. He bent down to the dying woman on the floor, and tried keeping her awake. At least that's what I thought he was doing, but then he grabbed her phone, which was lying on the floor. He attempted to call the police without the thief noticing.

I held my breath as I watched the gun being pointed towards him, and something inside me awoke. I dropped the orangejuice I had in my hand, and switched it with some sort of cake I found in the shoppingcart beside me.

I didn't have time to think before I threw the cake in the killers face, so that he couldn't see anything. The man who had tried calling the police ran out of the building, and hopefully managed to contact someone.

I was now alone with the man holding the gun, and I felt fear rising inside of me as I watched him remove the cake from his face. I gulped and tried to think of something to do, and then I remembered "Go for the private parts. You know... between the legs". And so I did.

I took a couple of quick steps forward, before I kicked up my knee and shoved it between his legs. And boy did he scream. I kicked the gun out of his hand as he fell to the floor, and then I grabbed it and pointed it towards him with steady hands. Steadier than they should be in such a traumatizing situation.

The adrenaline had come to me in a rush, and there wasn't even a trace of fear in my voice as I spoke "Don't move, or I shoot!".

His mask hid his reaction, so I decided to make him take it off. "Take off your mask" I commanded, and surprisingly he listened.

I couldn't help but stare at his handsome face. His bone-structure was amazing, and his piercing green eyes went perfectly with his ravenblack hair. He looked to be around 24-25, and to my irritation a smirk played on his lips. Oh those beautiful, totally kissable lips... Wait, what? No! I couldn't think like that. He was a criminal, a murderer even.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as cops came storming into the shop. Several of them i knew from work. One of them caught my eye, and I recognized him immediately. Neill Smith; twenty-two year old cop and a friend of the family.



Okay you guys, so the first chapter is up :) this is an idea that just popped into my mind, and I want to try it out.

Please vote and comment if you liked! It would mean a lot to me :)

This has not been edited so keep that in mind.

Attracted to dangerWhere stories live. Discover now