3.9 [Simon]

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"Simon, a parcel came in the P

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"Simon, a parcel came in the P.O box. But it's being sent here instead! They're asking you to collect it downstairs because it's too big and you have to sign for it!" You called, knocking on his door.

Simon grumbles, before opening his door wide and scrambling downstairs to grab the parcel. You smile as you slide past him, who was carrying a huge brown box and curiously, you follow him, peeking at him through the cracks of his half-closed door.

you see him deftly, and delicately use a penknife to slice open the tape, before opening the box carefully with his long fingers. The first thing he took out was....

"Do it!" You screech as you barge into his room, where he had been holding a bottle of red hair dye.

"Damn it, Y/N. Fuck. I thought you were just doing your own things downstairs." Simon groaned, as you playfully smile, rushing into his room to pull him up before shoving him into the bathroom. He knew that there was no escape.

after a few moments of you leaving him to his own, you were rushing back up after you heard him shouting.

"Fuck me in the arse!" He shouted and you rushed up. As you reached the bathroom, you see him staring distractedly by his bright red hair.

"Looks like someone just hit puberty." You said in a matter-of-fact way and he swatted you away, growling the F Word. You cheekily then smacked him, before running away in fear, as he chases you down the stairs and catches you.

"I love you, Miniminter." You whisper, before giggling as he blows raspberries onto your neck.

"I'm forever your red haired lesbian, Y/N." He says and you look at him dearly.

#6million subscribers, CONGRATS SIMON! i'm late but let's just celebrate the fact of it.

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