- adjective
Also, hal·cy·o·ni·an , hal·cy·on·ic .
calm; peaceful; tranquil: halcyon weather.
rich; wealthy; prosperous: halcyon times of peace.
happy; joyful; carefree: halcyon days of youth.
a book full of sidemen gifs.
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"Hey guys it's me Vikkstar 123, welcome to our egg roulette challenge!" Josh mouths Vik by the side of the camera as both you and Simon cracks up in laughter.
"Josh, how many times have I told you not to cut into my intro?" Vik chides Josh who had also burst out laughing.
"Today we whisk you into a magical world full of half-boils, also known as Josh, Vik, Y/N and I, the biggest chicken of them all, Simon." Simon adds and Vik giggles, having heard all the sly wordplay that Simon had added.
"But there's a twist in today's mad scramble. Today, the questions, are about diss tracks, and I'm sure, our two budding rappers," You look at Vik and Simon, with Josh trying to photobomb the shot," would be familiar with what track they belong to and whose track it is, not forgetting who they are directed to." You say, with Josh shouting an incoherent line of something along the lines of, "I'm a rap god," and Simon using his long arms to push Josh away from him.
"Okay, let's begin-" But before you could say anything else, you felt a'crack' on your head and you saw that it was Vik, who laughed as the yellow liquid flowed down from your head.
"Vik! This beef is between me and you, now!" You shout, and Simon chuckles as Vik hysterically laughs.
"Just get out and ask us the questions!" Vik says playfully as you groan, taking a paper tower to remove the egg from your head and you walked out from the view of the camera.
"Okay so the first lyrics is-" You announced and the game continued, surprisingly with Simon and Josh both leading, and Vik a mere point behind.
"The last lyrics are, worth double points, obviously. So, this is how the lyrics go:
'I write my bars on A4 (Paper) You never heard anything Like this B4. Boy better know That I'm coming with the C4. Explosive bars You were going to lose by D4. (Default) I don't know why E4 (He thought) That he could come at me Nah Bro Alt-F4 I'll have you exit out the window When I hit you with the G4 (G-Force).'
And yeah! So ready..." Before you could say anything further, Vik butts in.
"They're your bars, aren't they?" Vik says, and you shake your head, laughing.
"You can't give me too much credit. He was the one who made the rap. I just gave him the idea." You say, with all the boys looking at you, confused.
"What the hell are you talking about? That rap is ingenious. I've never heard it before!" Josh frowned, and Simon shook his head.
"Now come on guys, he's pretty close to you." You urge them.
"How close? Like proximity close? Cause I know I didn't come up with those bars and I don't think Josh and Vik are capable of doing it." Simon says and Vik scowls at him, and Josh smacking him.
"Who else? Ethan, Harry? Oh." Vik says, a realization coming to him. The other boys seemed to have gotten the clue and all rushed for an egg. Yet, Vik had grabbed the egg first.
"So Vik, the rules, remember?" You say a smirk forming on your lips.
"What rule?" He frowned and Simon and Josh laughed.
"You know, that important rule where you have to crack an egg on your head before you answer." Simon seemed to have got wind of what you had wanted to say.
"No? Because there's not a rule like that?" Vik questions and you simply glare at him. Before he sighs, picking up the egg and hesitantly cracking it on his head, the yolk spilling out its natural goodness while both Simon and Josh darted away, yelping in surprise.
"It may be Tobi's fiery bars and I may have very well won this challenge, but why does it feel like I've crashed some car and lost control of the wheel?" Vik asks and you reply almost immediately.
"Well you incompetent fuck just learnt to drive slow, then maybe you wouldn't crash your TT." You reply, with a smug smile.