Answers, and more questions

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'In retrospect, telling her to stay as if she were a dog was a bad plan.' Thought Henry as he and Carina led his parents to the place they had left Shansa . They'd been gone less than an hour. She could have waited. Right?

"Are you sure she was here?" Elizabeth asked.

"Without a doubt." Answered Carina. " I don't know how, but she knew we would be here. That I'd be looking for my father."

"Who is she?" Will asked.

"Shansa." Said a voice behind them. The four turned to find Shansa, leaning against the doorframe of a shop that hadn't been there before.

The Turner's and Carina continued to stare. Shansa gave a small, mysterious smile. "If you want answers,  you'll have to be brave and follow me." 


Will didn't like the room the moment he crossed the door.

It was dark, cramped, and unnatural. Books and candles and sketches of rituals filled the walls. Candles dripped  wax onto the dirty stone floor that rats scurried across Jars containing....well, he didn't want to know what they contained-- hung from the ceiling. The only light in the room came from that sneaking in from the boarded windows, and the large fire with a cauldron over it.

It was too similar to the one of the only other witch he'd had the displeasure of meeting. Tia dalma. Or Calypso, now, goddess of the sea. Lover of the monster that haunted his sleep.

'You'll have to be brave.' The witch had said. How much did she really know?

"Alright,  what do you know?" Asked Elizabeth, also eager to leave.

"Elizabeth Swann-" Shansa started.

"Its Turner. Has been for twenty three years now."

"Ah, yes, so it is." She crooned. "Such a long time, and you stayed faithful, both of you. Something the former captain couldn't..."

"Do you require payment?" Will asked impatiently.  He was tired of dancing around the questions.

"Oh, I do." She said, taking a seat." But you've already given me one." Shansa held up her wrist, revealing the bracelet she'd stolen from Carina.

"I didn't give it to you, you stole it!" Carina barked. 

"If you would like answers, young miss Barbossa, you'll let me keep this charm for a time." Shansa said calmly.

Carina cooled her temper and sat down. She wanted her father more than she wanted the trinket at the moment. 

"Alright, one last time." Henry said. "What do you know of Hector Barbossa?"

Shansa picked one of the rats from off the ground and began stroking it. " Hector Barbossa saved me from execution many years ago, and in return I cursed his enemies. I remained in a cell, but thanks to his newfound success, often paid to keep the guards quiet, and I well provided for." 

"It sounds like he owed you more. To pay so much." Elizabeth observed.

"Indeed. But that such debt has long been paid for."

"I don't care about his debts, I want to know if he..." Began Carina.

"Yes." She merely said. Like an answer.

"Yes,what?" Asked Will.

"You want to know if he's alive, and your answer?" 

"Yes." Carina whispered. A giant weight seemed to lift off her shoulders. Alive. He was...

"Wait, no. That's not good enough." She said, standing. " I need more. I need proof. Where is he?"

"You know its name, but not it's location." Shansa riddled.

"The Ilsa de Muerta."  Will and Carina said together, confusing Elizabeth. Will hadn't had the chance to tell Elizabeth anything before Henry and carina had come running in. And now was not the time.

"Alright, how to we get there?" Asked Will.

Shansa sat up and threw the rat into the boiling pot, startling everyone. The smoke grew and began to fall and creep towards them. 

"You will need captains who know the place well. I am sending you to them."

"What?"  Elizabeth asked, hand on her sword. The smoke pooled at their feet and swirled upwards.

"When you arrive at the tavern, ask for the owner. And send Hector my regards when you find him." She said and the smoke carried her visitors away.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Sea of VengeanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora