Young blood, Old secrets

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The smoke cleared and Carina found herself on the shore of an island she didn't recognize. Thankfully, Henry and his parents were close by. A screech to her left made her jump, and Jack the monkey climbed onto her shoulder. Somehow the witch had brought him along with them, as they had left the monkey on their home island.

"Where do we start?" Asked Henry.

"I'd say the tavern she mentioned." Elizabeth said, pointing to a building nearby, somewhat hidden by the foliage.

So the four made the short trek to the lone shelter on the otherwise deserted island. This didn't rid Will of his uneasy feeling. If this was a trick, there was no way for him and his family to return home.

The tavern was a Spanish style building, with no sign or flag to give its visitors a name.  As they entered, they were surprised to see a handful of men scattered amongst the tables. The room was dimly lit, but much more inviting than Shansa's creepy hovel. 

Will took the lead of the group. "Keep a sharp eye." He said, hand on his sword. Elizabeth did the same, while Henry took Carina's hand, as neither had a sword on them. When he did, she noticed the witch had in fact return her bracelet to her. 

They traveled carefully through the tavern, not seeing anyone worth asking questions. A boy entered from the back, carrying in boxes. Will decided he might have answers.

"Excuse me," he said. "Where might we find the owner?"

The boy gave a small laugh as he set down the boxes. He turned to face him. "You happen to be looking at one of them." 

"What?" Will was now thoroughly confused. This boy had to be at least five years younger than his own son.  His accent and olive skin identified him as a Spaniard. Dark hair was loosely pulled back and fell just past his shoulders. 

"We were sent by Shansa. Do you know her?" Elizabeth asked.

"Unfortunately." The boy groaned. "Follow me. I can't discuss anything here. "


He led them up a flight of stairs to a room that seemed to be his office. Four chairs were placed on one side of the large desk, as if he had been expecting them. Shelves filled with charts and books hugged the walls. A globe sat to the left of the desk, and he gave it a quick turn as he crossed to his side.

"Have a seat." He said, sitting in a large red armchair. "Allow me to introduce myself. Miguel Teach.  Burdened with keeping this place together for the past three years. 

'Three years?' Thought Will." How old are you?"


"You've run a tavern since you were thirteen?" Elizabeth said, concerned.

"Not alone." Said a voice behind them. They turned to find a girl leaning against the doorframe.

Miguel sighed. "May I also introduce my twin and partner in crime."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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