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Teresa ~

We all keep secrets.

Even the good and honest, straight A students have secrets.

Why do we keep secrets again?

People keep secrets to protect the people the love, hide away the truth, or just don't want others to know what they know.

Sometimes, these secrets are good.

Like that one time when Margo, Lorraine, Simon, Holden and I wanted to throw a surprise birthday party for Levi. We giggled all day long and discussed the plan whenever we could. The moment we saw Levi, however, we all kept our mouths shut.

What can I say, we're good at keeping secrets.

Some secrets are bad, however. So bad, so big, that it threatens to ruin all of our lives, tear apart our relationships.

Everyone has their secret.

Do you?


I've learned about secrets through the hard way. Only when our relationship was almost destroyed, then did I learn my lesson. Never again, I told myself, never again was I going to let secrets destroy a person's life.

We all took things for granted.

We thought that we trusted each other enough to spill every one of our secrets. We thought we knew everything about each other. We thought we would never fall apart.

But we did. We were wrong.

Sometimes I look back and wonder, what would happen if none of us had secrets? Would we still have been as close as we were in kindergarten? Or would it be the same? 

I remember that one day in kindergarten so clearly.

It was a Wednesday. The sun was shining, and the sky was clear. Magnolia white clouds floated peacefully across the sea of blue. It was perfect. We were 5 at that time. Too innocent for the world. No secrets came between any of us, we had a perfect friendship.

I was sitting on the grass, blowing bubbles. Levi had run over to me and begged me to play with him and Lorraine. I still remembered the look of joy on his pale cheeks. His constant smile. He was always smiling.

And I took it for granted that he would continue to smile.

I had stood up and run after him, our giggles echoing around the empty park. Our laughter and pounding footsteps broke the silence. Lorraine was already waiting by the swings - our favourite playground equipment.

When you sat on the swings and swung, it was as if the rest of the world didn't exist.

All you had to focus on was to push your feet against the ground at just the correct moment. Swinging higher and higher, craning your neck to look at the sky. It was a wonderful feeling. It was as though we were flying. 

Up and up we went, higher and higher. Laughter and screams resounded again. We were so happy.

Then, Margo, Simon, and Thomas arrived.

They joined us, standing behind me, Levi and Lorraine to give us a push. To make sure we continued to swing and swing and swing.

This is what best friends are supposed to do for you. They were supposed to always have your back, to always help you climb higher and higher. They were supposed to turn your frowns upside down, make you laugh like a clown. 

Not keep secrets from you.

Little did we know that Levi's smile would fade over the years, his cheeks would turn even paler, and that the joyous spark in his eyes would dim and eventually disappear. We all took it for granted. We didn't know he would change.

We didn't know we would change.

Come to think of it, it was good that we had secrets. Without the secrets, we wouldn't have learned our lesson and would've continued to take things for granted. We grew up. We matured. We learned from our mistakes.

It hurts, I know. It hurts to know that your best friend, your closest confidant, is keeping secrets from you. You want to help them, share their pain, and heal their wounds. But sometimes, they've got to walk the journey on their own.

You won't always have your friends by your side.

But they would always be in your heart, wherever you are.

It sounds cheesy, but it's true.

What happens when your best friend chooses to leave you behind? And what happens if your best friend isn't who you thought he was? Doy uo confront him, or leave him alone? Do you even want to know what kind of immense pain your friend is going through? How far would you go to save your best friend?

Those are questions you'll have to answer on your own.

We've learnt our lesson.

Did you?


Hey guys! This is the rewritten prologue for Sleepovers, I hope you like it :) If you haven't figured it our yet, this story is about 6 best friends, Teresa, Margery, Lorraine, Simon, Levi, and Thomas.

This story mostly revolves around secrets, if you couldn't tell. It's about how secrets can tear even the best of friends apart. This story will be told in different P.O.Vs.

The prologue (this chapter) is told in Teresa's point of view. You'll know whose point of view it is as it is stated at the start of every chapter in bold. Usually, it follows the order: Tessa, Simon, Margo, Levi, Lorraine, and Thomas.

I hope to be able to complete this story by next year June! I'll try to update as often as I can :)

Leave some feedback on this chapter and tell me how I can improve!

This chapter is dedicated to faVulousBlue for being one of my dearest friends on Wattpad.

Remember to vote, comment, and share this story with your friends!

Lots of love and marshmallows,

Maddie <3

Sleepovers [REWRITTING]Where stories live. Discover now