Chapter 2 ~Hayes POV~

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The first time i saw her I just knew I had to make her mine. The way her pink tips brightened her blonde hair. Her soft lips and the sexy snakebites below made me just want to kiss her till I ran out of breath. I did the only thing my mind told me to do, kiss her cheek.

I slowly walked up to her noticing her eyes follow my every move. I smiled and kissed her cheek feeling them go warm. I laughed and started a small conversation with her and I finally knew I had to do something to make her mine.

So I asked her out and told her I'd pick her up at 7:00! I'm so happy if we do date I feel like it is going to be the greatest relationship ever besides the fact of me going into the army a lot.

The bell had rung signaling first period was starting and I could possibly be late! I picked up my schedule and saw what classes I had.

1st period- American History Rm-425

2nd period-Advance Math Rm-546

3rd period- Advance Reading Rm-732

4th period- Music Class Rm- 211

5th period- Science Advance Rm-970

6th- Gym Rm-342

7th- Technology Rm-111

I grabbed Hailey's schedule and saw that she had all the same classes I smiled and grabbed her hand pulling her with me to our first period class.

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