A Little More About Me (Introduction Prt. 2)

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Well I feel like I left you guys hanging the last time (which wasn't long lol), but here's a little more about me. I LOVE reading and writing there is absolutely never a moment or day or time where you will not see me without a notebook or pen or a book. I'm the definition of nerd and I'm a damn sexy one at that who struggles with loosing some weight lol. But hey I think I'm freaking sexy and anyone who wants me would be lucky to have me lol. Also I love theater like I said in my previous chapter lol. I got into theater in the 7th grade where I acted in "Alice in Wonderland" and played the dodo bird and the frog footman. Theater is my life lol and my overall dream and goal is to act in Shakespeare's Macbeth and Romeo & Juliet, and I would play Macbeth the main character of course and Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet because he and I are siblings lol because we are both imaginative and very animated and sometimes over the top lol. I absolutely love food guys. Like FOOD and me could get married and have food children lol, but I'm a vegetarian and I do NOT eat meat whatsoever unless it's seafood which is my absolute safe haven.  I'm an absolute family person and friendly person who loves and will talk to anyone who comes across my path so please be prepared to have a conversation lol. My favorite colors are Black, Pink, and Purple and I have expensive taste in food and somewhat fashion lol. And I'm also an overall generally happy and excited bubbly person who has a heart for people no what or who they are that also includes their religion, beliefs, values, morals, sexual orientation, sexual identity. So I guess this is the end of the second introduction about me lol. (Sorry for all the lol's hahaha). Please if you have any questions to ask please ask them and leave them in the comments and I will answer them in the next chapter and that is a promise!!! Love you guys so much. HUGS AND KISSES!!!

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