VI. Electric

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Dinner was delectable and scrumptious. I honestly didn't know Daniel was that great of a cook. I could tell he was pretty satisfied with himself as well. Afterwards, we both crashed on the sofa and switched on the huge flat screen television that hung on the wall. Being a child at heart, he changed the channel to Nickelodeon, but who am I kidding I enjoyed it as well. When the clock struck ten, I decided I had to go since it was getting late and it was pitch black outside. As I tried to get up, he pulled my hand back, staring at me with his infamous puppy eyes I mentioned before, urging me to stay a little while longer. I sat back down and he scooted closer to me and out of nowhere, he lied on my shoulder. I jerked out of shock but I didn't mind it at all. I turned my head to the left where he was lying and looked at him. Adorable. He looked up at me, but this time, he wasn't smiling as he usually would. He took his head off my shoulder with his eyes locked on me. At this point, the tension was like a cloud of smoke in the air suffocating me. In one swift move and with his hand gently cupping the top of my neck, he pulled me in. His lips were soft and tender, but at the same time, the kiss was electric.

He immediately pulled back, with an apologetic look on his face. I grabbed him with both my hands and kissed him back, this time making sure he understands that he doesn't have to be sorry. His cheeks were bright red but there was a smile on his face. He took out an extra key card in his pocket and held it up to me.

"Ju-just in case you want to come over and I'm not home so that you don't have to wait for me," he said, slightly stuttering.

I took the key card out of his hands and went it for a hug. We stayed like that for a bit, my head resting on his shoulders and his head resting on mine. If only things would remain that innocent forever. If only the reason I came to visit him that day, five years ahead, was to be in his arms and nothing else. If only.

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