Chapter 5

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Finally i awoken from my slumber.

Everything went red for a second.

I forced myself off the ground and stood. I looked around the dark void. "Where am I?"

I whispered to myself. I looked upward to the blazing moon and the shining stars.

The humid foggy air was making me skin sweat. My father will pay for what he has done.

I heard a howl from a distance.
I limped the other way. Once i moved i felt the wind pouring through my scrapes and scratches.

I was barely strong enough to walk. I saw the reflection of the moon shining into a dark pond.

I walked to it desperately to get a drink and wash the blood of myself.

I wondered how long have i been out for. I was extremely thirsty and hungry.

I took my clothes off and limped into the freezing cold water.

I washed myself. And drank the filthy muddy water for dehydration. After five minutes in the water i got use to the cold.

I must climb back up i cant stay down here.

I also rinsed and dipped my clothes in the water. I put the cold wet clothes back on.

I shivered and coughed making my way back to the cliff.

I started to climb but my weak body only made it so far. I fell back down and scraped my arm on a rock. "Ahhhhhh"

I screamed in agony. I heard howl getting closer now.

I had to hurry up and get up there before i turn into wolf lunch.

Then as i was making my way upwards, the wolves were stalking me scanning on what i was.

I couldn't believe all this was happening. If i fell it was over for me.

The wolves growled and snapped at me. I couldn't fall, i couldn't have another chance.

I climbed slow and steady, but it was extremely difficult because i had no energy no stamina i barely even had a grip of the rock.

Slowly started a pattern. Right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg.

I grabbed the next rock and forced to lift myself up.

The sound of the rock crackling terrified me. One more step and id make it to cliff hanger to rest on.

The wolves weren't giving up the growled at me waiting for my mistake.

I was damaged, weak, starved, and not to mention the wind blew twice as hard down here.

I slowly pulled my self up to the cliff hanger. Then i heard a snap.

Again my life flashed as i began to fall down.

Trying to climb but constantly falling.

My heart went crazy in my chest.
Then i fell 30 feet back to the ground. I made contact with the ground.

I slowly gripped my arm struggling to stand.

The wolves were surrounding me. Then after i remember the sound of a crow. The wolves all rushed me, then everything went bloody red.

I woke up to the brightness of the sun. How long was i gone for i wondered. Was yesterday just a dream? The sun shined in my eyes stinging i quickly turned around.

To find a bloody wolf under my head. "Ahhhh" I screamed. The surprise gave me a boost to stand.

Wolves were all surrounding me. All were dead and lying no movement.

Some of them had bloody holes through there chest.

I wondered if someone saved me. And i worried that i did this.

But i couldn't worry about the wolves i had to climb back up the cliff.

For vengeance and revenge.

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