Chapter 19

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I'm serverly scared out of my mind. My mom and I were watching this show called Ghost Adventures and its about 11 at night. Bad tome to watch it since I hate scary things. I'm laying in my bed and earlier when I went to get my iPod because some jag wanted me to text her and I nearly freaked out. On to das story!


-James' PoV-

I woke up halfway off my bed and at the foot of the bed. I sat up and heard snoring. I peered over the side of the bed to see Bailey curled up in a ball sound asleep. I slipped out of my room without making a sound to wake Bailey. As I walked down the hall I heard people talking. It was Aleks and a girl. I looked over the balcony of the staircase and saw Aleks and Talia talking. Aleks looked up and saw me "Hey James" He said. I waved and walked down the steps over to the two "Oh Josh called you" Aleks tossed me my phone. I looked at my phone and saw 7 missed calls and 4 texts from her. I texted Josh back and set my phone down. Bailey walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes "Morning Bay" Talia cheered. Bailey yawned and sat by me on the couch and snuggled up to me "No good morning back? Rude" Bailey looked up at Talia and mumbled something "Thank you" Talia skipped up to Aleks' room "Why is she so happy?" I asked Aleks "Dunno" He got up and went to his room. I looked at Bailey. Her eyes were red and puffy along with dried tears on her cheeks. I hugged her and we talked for a bit.

Soon after we talked she fell asleep on my shoulder. I turned the TV on and watched some shows. Aleks came racing down the stairs laughing "Shh!" I shushed him "Why?" He asked and plopped on the couch "She's asleep" I said and Talia came down and sat next to Aleks "Phone" Talia tossed my phone to me as it rang. I answered the call "Hello?" It was Jordan "Are you coming to the office?" He asked "Yeah we'll be there in a half hour" I said and Jordan hung up "We gotta head to the office. Bailey. Wake up" I shook her to wake up but no luck.

-Bailey's PoV-

This is different. My dreams are normal when I'm with James but then when I'm with Seamus they're nightmares. My dream was normal and not fucked up. I was being shaken awake by James "Bailey. We have to go to the office." James said. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him "I don't want to go" I said and layed down on the couch "Come on" James grabbed my arm and tried pulling me up "That doesn't work" I giggled "Talia!" He called "Yup!" She yelled down "Help me get Bailey up!" James said "No!" Then a door slammed shut. James looked at me then stood up "I know how to get you up" He grabbed my waist and put me over his shoulder "James!" I laughed. He carried me up the stairs and into his room. He tossed me in his bed and shut the door "I have no clothes to wear besides what I wore last night" I said. James grabbed some clothes out of his dresser and tossed them on the bed "Your making me wear your clothes?" I asked looking at the pile "Why not." I looked through the pile of clothes "I'll be right back" I left the room and went to Aleks' room. I knocked on the door and Aleks opened it "Give me the keys to your car" I said and he set them in my hand. I walked outside and unlocked his car. I grabbed my box that was in the back full of my presents from yesterday. I shut the door and walked inside. I gave Aleks his car keys back and went into James' room "Where did you go?" He asked "I left a box full of shirts I got for my birthday in Aleks' car last night" I opened the box and pulled out the Batman shirt. James was still in the room when I changed. I put the basketball shorts he gave me and the Batman shirt on. I wore the same shoes from last night and we were ready to leave "Talia! Aleks! Lets go!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs putting my hair up and then I ended up tripping and I fell down the stairs "Were you not wearing your glasses?" Talia asked from the top of the stairs "Lemme think. Yes! I'm not stupid. I woukd remember to wear my glasses" I said and sat up "Then why are your glasses right here?" Talia asked holding them up "Ok then I guess I forgot to put them on" I said and she handed me them "Thanks" I put my glasses on my face "Aleks can we go to our apartment before? I need to get some clothes" Talia asked "Sure. Bailey wanna come?" He asked "Sure" I got in the back of Aleks' car and Talia sat next to me "Don't you want to sit by Ale-" I said before she said something "I need to tell you something" Aleks started driving and Talia started whispering to me "Why are you whispering?" I asked "Because Aleks doesn't know about this yet" She said "Then why don't you tell him?" I asked "Because!" She snapped "Who fucked you in the ass?" I asked and looked at my phone which has been going off non stop "Aleks did" She said non sarcastic "What?" I stared at her "Woah woah wait. You and Aleks did the-" I started "Yes!" She screeched "Last night?" I asked. She nodded "How?" She rolled her eyes "Isn't it obvious? We were at a bar last night. He got drunk off his ass. We came home after you and James left and yeah." We halted to a stop and Aleks turned around "We're here" His face was completely red. Talia got out and I was shocked "Did you hear that?" I asked and he nodded "And by the way I wasn't drunk off my ass. I wasn't even drunk at all" He smiled and we got out "So did you fake being drunk?" I asked as we walked into the building "Yeah just wanted to see what would happen" I giggled at his stupidity and we walked into my apartment. Talia was in her room and Ce was sitting on the couch watching a movie "Bailey!" She cried out "What" She jumped over the back of the couch and hugged me "Where were you last night?" She asked "I was with James why?" She released the hug "Seamus was worried about where you were" A door opened revealing Seamus "Bailey I'm sorry about what happened last night" He started "I just came to get some clothes" I said and walked up the stairs to my room. Seamus followed me and shut the door behind him "Bailey listen to me!" He cried "I don't need an explanation about what happened. I saw what I saw and it was you kissing some purple haird whore!" I yelled on the edge of tears "One she kissed me and two do you want to know who she is?" He said "Yes so I can go kick her ass" I mumbled "Her name is Josh and she's James' girlfriend" He said "James has had a girlfriend this whole time! He said he didnt!" I yelled "What do you mean" Seamus sat on my bed "Last weekend when I didn't come back to the stream was because James told me he loved me and we kinda got together but not anymore." I said and out the clothes I had in my hand back in my dresser "What the fuck! So you cheated on me!?" He yelled "Not technically" I said and fiddled with my fingers "You just fucking told me you were dating!" He yelled "Well yeah but" I started "But nothing! I thought I could trust you but I guess I can't" He said and left my room slamming the door. I layed on my bed crying. Nobody bothered me for the rest of the night. I cried myself to sleep after everyone left. I was alone. Nobody was there to protect me from anything.

I was woken to the sound of Seamus yelling "Talia! Go to Bailey's room! Now!" He screamed. I stood up and Talia burst in "We need to get out now" She panicked "Why? What's going on?" I asked "Just grab some clothes and put them in this bag" I grabbed multiple hand fulls of clothes and put them in my backpack "What are we doing?" I asked. Talia swung a backpack over her shoulder and I did the same "Jump out of the window" She said opening the window "Why?" I asked "Just do it!" I looked out the window before I jumped. We were on the second floor but it was a pretty far jump to the ground. Someone burst through the door and grabbed Talia "Bailey! Jump!" She called and I did before the person grabbed me. I made it to the ground without getting hurt. A car started and drove up to me "Get in" Ce said and I did as I was told. I tossed my stuff in the back and she drove off "What happened?" I asked "Cody" was all she said "It wasn't just a nightmare." I said and grabbed my phone. I dialed Aleks' number and it rang a while "Aleks!" I yelled when he answered "What" He said "Talia and Seamus-" I said before I saw a car crash into us. All I remember seeing was the person in the car get out and open my door. He grabbed a hold of me and a van came up. I was tossed in the back along with two other people. I hit my head on the floor and it went completely black.

This isn't a dream. The dream has become reality.


Shit went down in this chapter. I have recovered from last week and now I will never have anyone in my life who will love me. I'm going to go die in a hole know. Bye.

(EDITING IN PROGRESS)Everyday Girl - An SSoHPKC/UberHaxorNova FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now