Chapter 24: Eddie and Ce chapter

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This story is the wedding. Just wanted to do it in a different PoV sorry if your confused. Anyway enjoy the chapter!


-Sly's PoV-

Ce and I raced around the apartment getting ready for our flight which left in less than 2 hours. Ce was still packing and I haven't even started "Eddie! Where's your stuff?!" She screamed "I'm working on it!" I yelled back shoving multiple shirts and pants in my bag. Bailey and Seamus were having their wedding in Texas so Bailey's friends could be there. Aleks and Talia left on Friday, Seamus and Bailey have been there for the whole month basically but still recorded with us and the others left yesterday. I zipped up my bag and ran to the door "Ok! I'm ready! Lets go!" We rushed out the door and drove off to the airport.

We pushed past people searching for our flight "Eddie! Over there!" Ce pointed towards the people walking to the terminal "Hurry!" We sprinted and finally made it to the plane. We sat in our seats I was in the middle and Ce by the window "Did you grab the camera?" I asked "Yeah its the first pocket in my backpack" I reached into her backpack and grabbed it out. I started recording a little bit before we had to shut off our electronics. When we were aloud to turn our electronics back on I recording some more. I got a few texts from Bailey and Talia "Did Bailey and Talia text you the fitting times?" I asked "No... Wait yup just got it" She sat there for a bit then we continued recording random stuff.

The plane landed after two or three hours and we met up with Jordan and Aleks "Same hotel?" Jordan asked "Yep" We walked out to his car and put everything in the back. It took ten minutes to get to the hotel. We walked in the lobby and got mobbed by hugs from Talia, Gabe, Bailey and James "Uh hi?" I giggled and they released us "Go to your room I already checked in for you and once you finish we're going out to dinner!" Bailey said "Alright!" I said. Talia took us to the hotel room and we changed out "How fancy do you think this restaurant is going to be?" Ce asked "Well judging by what Bailey and Talia were wearing I'd say very fancy" I said and she walked out of the bathroom fixing her earring "What are you wearing?" She asked looking at my clothes. I had a purple dress shirt, jeans and black converses on "This is just for dinner" I giggled "Ok. We leave in 10 minutes we should go meet up with the others" Ce said opening the door "C'mon before they leave without us!" We rushed to the lobby searching for the others. I saw Bailey carrying Gabe around "Ce! Sly!" She called out and shuffled over to us trying not to trip from running in heels. She set Gabe down on the ground and hugged us "You look beautiful Ce!" Bailey said "Thanks! So do you!" They walked out talking "Well Gabe it's just me and you bud" Gabe laughed and I picked him up "You look handsom in that little tux there Gabe" I said making him giggle "You look nice too Uncle Eddie" I smiled and got in the car.

We got to the restaurant and got a table. Seamus and Bailey sat on the end, next to them was me and Ce, Aleks, Talia and Gabe sat next us then Dan, James, Jordan and Monica sat on the other side of the table "Tomorrow is the dress fitting so we gotta wake up early" Bailey said "Us guys are just gonna hang" Seamus said. Bailey hit his chest and he sat up "Your guys' fitting is later in the day" She said and Gabe clapped "Someone's excited" Talia laughed. We order our food and drinks and talked for a while until we got our stuff. We paid and went back to the hotel and by 10 everyone was asleep.

~•^•~ Morning ~•^•~

I woke up to the alarm and a someone pounding on the door. I got up and walked to the door. I looked out the peep hole seeing Bailey and all the girls. I opened the door and they walked in "Is Ce up?" Bailey asked "No, why?" I yawned "We have to go get our dresses!" She yelled "Well that lump in the bed is still asleep" I pointed to Ce who had blankets drapped over her and a pillow on her face with her arm and foot halfway out of the pile of blankets "Cecilia Lana Martinez get up this instant!" Bailey yelled "No! I don't wanna go to school mom!" She groaned "Come on!!" Talia and Bailey jumped up on the bed trying to wake her "I'm up!" The sat down and dragged her out of bed "Get dressed and meet us in the lobby!" They walked out and Ce looked at me "Lana?" I giggled "It was that or Amanda. Lana is better" She walked off into the bathroom and came back out wearing a green tanktop and shorts "I'll see you later Eddie" She grabbed her backpack and kissed me then left "Time to edit that video from the plane" I grabbed my laptop from my bag and started to edit the video. I uploaded it and soon enough there was yelling outside my door "Lets go Sly! Stop fucking around and get ready!" I heard Seamus yell through the door. I quickly changed and rushed out the door "Alright lets get our tuxedos!" We all yelled and left.

After getting our tuxes we headed out to lunch "Hey I got a text from Bay saying she wants us to meet up with her friends" Seamus said "Where at?" James asked "The hotel" Seamus replied and we all paid for our food and left. When we got to the hotel Bailey was talking to two guys "Hey babe" Seamus said and kissed Bailey on the cheek "Guys this is Gavin and Michael. Over there is Lindsay, Geoff, Ray, Barbara, Jack, Ryan, and Griffin" She said pointing out to all of the people "They are Achievement Hunters and Griffin is Geoff's wife and Barbara helps out with recording." Bailey said "Lindsay is my wife" Michael said "Now for me to introduce The Creatures. This is Seamus, Eddie or Sly, James, Aleks, Jordan, Talia, Monica, Cecilia, Dan, and Gabe" Bailey said naming off all of us "Monica is Jordan's wife, Aleks and Talia are married and Gabe is their 3 year old son, Cecilia and Sly are dating and James' girlfriend is back in Colorado" Bailey said nearly out of breath. All of us talked and hung out for a while then soon it was time for us to go to bed. I changed out of my clothes and put pajamas on and climbed into bed "Night Eddie" I heard Ce mumble "Night Ce" I fell asleep as my phone went off.

I woke up an hour before the alarm. I checked my phone seeing a text from James. Before I could answer his text he walked in the room "Sly!" He screamed "Shh!" I hushed him "We need to talk" He dragged me out of the room. We stood outside the door and James had tears in his eyes "What happened James?" I asked "I found out that Josh is cheating on me with someone else" Some tears ran down James' face "I'm sorry James" He wiped the tears from his face. I heard the door open and saw Ce walk out "James? What happened?" She asked "Josh cheated on me" He said and more tears fell "Aww James I'm sorry!" Ce said and pushed me in the room "I will comfort him you get ready for the wedding" She shut the door and I did as I was told.

After waiting for 10 minutes Ce came back and quickly changed into her dress. It was blue and went to her knees. I helped her with her hair and she did her makeup "Alright the wedding is at the park" Ce said putting her black flats on "Lets go" I said. We walked to the park because it wasn't that far from the hotel. I saw chairs lined up and the gazebo decorated with flowers. Ce went and talked with the girls while I wandered off searching for Seamus. Aleks was the best man and Gabe was the ring bearer. I saw Gabe run up to me with Aleks walking behind him "Hey dude" Aleks said "This place looks nice" I said and Aleks chuckled "Yeah, the sunrise makes it better" Aleks pointed out. I looked at the sky seeing different colors displayed across the clouds "Its so pretty!" (Seriously me in the morning waiting for the bus) I said staring at the sky "Hey its starting" Aleks said running off. I followed and found Ce. Bailey walked with Gavin, Aleks and Talia behind them, Jordan and Monica, Michael and Lindsay, lastly Ce and me. We stood where we needed to and watched the wedding. When it was time for the rings Dan and Gabe walked down the isle with the rings. Dan stood beside me while Gabe handed the rings to Bailey and Seamus. Gabe ran over to us and stood infront of Aleks. The wedding ended and now we just hung out and talked. We left the park around 2 in the morning. I changed when I got back to the hotel room. Ce passed out on the bed so I layed down next to her and kisses her head "Night Ce. I love you" I said and fell asleep with my head rested on hers.


Guys!!! One more chapter and this story is over :'(  I loved this chapter so much sorry if it kinda sucked I had writers block but that wedding was so beautiful!! So beautiful I wanna cry! Seriously that part about the sunrise whenever I'm standing out in my driveway waiting for the bus I love looking at the sky its so pretty with all it's colors and ah so gorgeous. IM GONNA MISS THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! I love it so much I cant leave it but its coming to an end :'( but I am working on another story so yeah. Bye guys!!

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