Fate~Tuukka Rask

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Lately Tuukka has been acting weird I didn't know is it was hockey or what. We have been going strong for 4 years now. Well at least that's what I thought.

I walked into the locker room before the game started. I didn't see Tuukka so I walked over to Bergy.

"Hey Patrice! Did you see Tuukka?"

"Yeah he is in the equipment room."

I nodded "Can you tell him I don't feel good I'm going to leave early."

Patrice smiled "Of course! I hope you feel better!"

I smiled back at Patrice "Thank you."

With that I walked out of the arena. I knew I why I wasn't feeling well. I have cardiovascular disease also known as heart disease. No one knows not even Tuukka. Right now I was having major chest pains.

I watched the game in TV took my pills and pain meds. The game was tied 2-2 and the game was in a shoot out. If Tuukka doesn't save this shot against Letang. The Bruins lose. I held me breathe...

"Score Kris Letang wins it for the Penguins" The announcer say. I only frown and wait for Tuukka to come home.

He opened the front door. I smiled at my boyfriend hoping to make him at least smile back... he didn't.

"Why are you so happy we lost?" Tuukka said irritated.

"I'm not happy you guys lost. I watched the game Tuukka you did fine! Letang is one of the best defensman in the NHL!" I said.

"Why did you leave so early?huh? Tuukka said flustered.

"My chest hurts really bad!" I said and frowned.

Tuukka just scoffed "Your chest hurts! Ha your funny! Imagine getting shot at by a 95 mph puck getting shot at you! Huh!huh! Will you say something? Or are you just going to stare at me all night!"
This was apart of dating a hockey player. Constantly dealing with them after every loss. This time his words stung more than before.

I stood up and walked to Tuukka and I's shared room. I looked the door and packed a suitcase and slipped it under the bed just in case. Then I heard Tuukka knocked on the door. I opened it.

Tuukka eyes were full of venom "This isn't working out."

I looked him in the eyes "Tuukka this isn't you! You never act this bitter towards me! And what do mean this isn't working out?"

Tuukka just looked at me and bluntly stated "You don't make me happy anymore! We are done. Our relationship is over. Don't bother coming back---"

I want going to listen to this anymore. I ripped of the locket he gave me with it named engraved in it with our picture on the inside I threw it at him.

"I hope your happy Tuukka." I yelled

I looked back at the man I onced loved. The man I still loved. I looked deep into his eyes I saw regret. I saw love and I saw pain.

"Don't give up on us, Tuukka" that's the last words I would ever say to him.

I turned my head and slammed the door.

~A month later~

Tuukka's POV
I missed Anna. I really did. Don't bother coming back were my last words to her.

By last words I meant she was never coming back. I stood by her casket. It turns out she left the game that day for the same reason she died heart disease. For the first time in years I cried. I still loved her. She will never know that now.

He whispered looked at Anna's lifeless body  "Don't give up on us."

It was fate that brought us together and fate that tore us apart.

Let this be a lesson to you. Always chose your word wisely they maybe your last words. Or maybe they will be the last words you'll ever tell someone. Because no matter how loud you cry they won't hear you. There gone.

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