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"Serena is that a phone I see?!"

Serena froze,but then calmed down"No you must be blind"She rolled her eyes sarcastically showing no interest or fear"That's it!Detention for you Miss.Yvonne"She rolled her eyes again.

In the back of the class a brown haired boy looked at the blonde girl with hate.


How could someone not care about serious stuff like that.Probably cause she's rich and has her whole life given to her.

But sadly for him he knew that blonde girl and he knew she wasn't rich or had her life planned out.

He frowned but continued finishing his work.He and she had a past

Not a romantic one

Not a enemy one

Just what you call friends.But some friendships aren't made to last.He frowned again his thoughts were making him mix the answers.

He tried focusing on the work sheet but thoughts interrupted him.

How could she get over him?

How could she just forget?

Why can't I forget?

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