Chapter 1

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This is the third time Lauren has had to do this in the past month and god knows how many times the past year.

Usually, she'd only be gone for a day or two before guilt would wash over her and send her crawling back to her fiancée.

Boarding the first flight out of New York to any city that will whisk Lauren away isn't exactly ideal for someone who's getting married in less than six months. You'd think she'd be more excited to marry someone she'd been with for four years. Victoria Secret Model, Keana Marie, is Hollywood's 'It' girl, the girl every teenage boy thinks about late at night and one-half of the power couple known as: 'Keauren.'

Lauren is 26 and not getting any younger and Keana has been with her since the beginning of her career - that's all the basis Lauren needs to propose right? Her label seemed to think so and greatly encouraged her to do so, sounding more excited about marriage than Lauren herself.

It's not just Keana - her record label has been pressuring Lauren to speed up the process of her third album. Despite the fact that she has told her stuffed-shirt, high-almighty label head that art cannot be rushed to perfection.
So here she is, driving the long-stretched Malecón roadway of Havana, Cuba, looking for any discrete hotels that won't leak her name to the press the minute they realize that pop star Lauren Jauregui is staying there.

Lauren soon decides that the Hostal Valencia is as good as any - right in the heart of Old Havana.

She checks in with no problem whatsoever, turns out the concierge is a big fan and would do anything for the one and only Lauren Jauregui - including keeping her appearance in the city on the down low. Arriving in her suite, she decides to place her suitcase in the corner of the room.

Lauren plops herself face-first onto the bed, groaning loudly in the process. The familiar, basically routine, ring from her phone echoes through the room and Lauren's head perks up in response. She doesn't have to see the Caller ID to know that it's Keana.

She can't deal with her right now.
Lauren turns to her only solace in time like these - plain old, black coffee. Thankfully, Valencia was courteous enough to have packets of coffee along with coffee makers in each of their rooms. Lauren pours herself a cup and immediately drowns half of it in one gulp, letting out a content sigh at the warmth rippling through her body.

Her room came with a balcony spacious enough to hold a small, rounded table with a chair on it. Lauren took this opportunity to place her cup on top of the round table and look upon the streets of Havana. The blue streaks of daylight are almost non-existent as nightfall began to overturn the Havana sky, highlighting the kaleidoscopic colors of its buildings and vintage cars. The street lights have turned on, the chatter of the streets gradually gets louder and out of the corner of her eye, Lauren can see skimpy-dressed women ready for a night out.
Havana is livelier than ever.

Having a knack for music, Lauren's ear picks up the soft, yet sensual, sound of some Latin tune. Coincidentally, the music was coming just below her from the other side of the narrow street; two men picking away at their guitars and one tapping gently at a pair of bongos.

And that's when Lauren caught sight of her.
Swaying and twirling gently to the music, was a woman dressed in a blue cut-off floral print dress, her brown locks cascading past her shoulders. Lauren continued to watch the woman, enamored with the way her hips moved to the music and how her lips tugged the corners of her mouth into a smile. She was beautiful, no doubt in her physical appearance, but there's something about the way she is that attracted Lauren.

The woman seemed in her element, most likely a local, dancing to her country's music and not caring about the world around her.

When the music stopped, Lauren felt a pang of disappointment wash over her. She was sure the woman was gonna leave now that the song is over. Until she didn't and heard the woman say "Uno mas, por favor, senor!"

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