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*****I'm quite addicted in writing this book. Letting my Directioner imagines flow. Wish you're having an absolutely great time in reading this. Enjoy! And an advance apology for making you hungry.

Zayn's POV

Though the main character in the story resembles Reine and a bit gory and pervy most of the time, it turns out Yamato "Unpronounceable" was an awesome anime. Louis, Reine, and I were laughing our arses the whole time. Niall and Harry were throwing us envious stares which causes Reine to put up a "wall" between us that's basically a blanket taped to the ceiling.

"Oi, what's going on over here?" That's probably Liam walking towards us. And I hear a giggle, that's probably Aila. "I said, what's going on over here?" He ripped the blanket from the ceiling, causing light to pour in our anime haven.

"Aah! The light!" Reine hisses. "Don't you ever do that again or I will castrate you!" She growls before hiding under my arm. I don't complain or anything since Perrie told me that she's quite childish at times-- all of the time. Yes, I have been warned. She's more like a little sister to me now, she reminds me of Walahiya. "Zaynie, take that atrocious man away from me. Or I might do something to him."

I try to stifle my laughter. "Yeah. You're like a vampire when he tore off the blanket."

"You should be called Reine the Castrator." Louis snickers.

"Don't make fun of Vlad the Impaler by coming up with such a bad pun. But if you'd really love to call me that, you will be my first victim. Am I right, Aila? Remove that Liam from my sight or we won't go shopping." Reine threatens and I swear I heard Uncle Si laugh. Everyone obliges and the three of us were left again. But the gazes of the two blokes across us has returned, and so does my discomfort. I have a lot of explaining to do later.

"Your afternoon tea, Miss Cowell." The steward hands the black haired girl a massive tray filled with sandwiches, pastries and cakes along with a big arse pot of tea. "We ran out of Assam and green tea. Would Yorkshire tea do?"

"I've never had Yorkshire tea before. It'll do. Thanks." She smiles sweetly at the stewardess, dimissing her. "What?" She asks at the gaping Louis.

"You're.. You've never have Yorkshi--"

"Yes. Are you deaf or something? But is this not your favourite tea?" Louis nods to answer after helping his self to a sandwich. "Niall! Harry!" She waves at the two who literally ran towards us. "Whoa. Calm your tits. Sit over there and let's have a tea party. Liam and Aila will be excluded since they have world of their own."

"Hey!" Aila and Liam both protested at the same time but they obviously cheered up at the thought. We all laughed and proceeded to eat.

"Did you order coffee?" I ask as I'm not much of a tea enthusiast like Lou. And Harry looks expectant too.

Reine shakes her long mane and says, "Nope. I despise coffee, but go ahead and order if you'd like some. Just brush your teeth afterwards. I hate coffee breaths." Harry sighs and silently drinks his tea and so does Niall. "I like the tea. I'll be ordering more of these when I come back home after the tour." Reine nods appreciatively at the Yorkshire boy who smiles back and sticks out his tongue at Harry.

"What flavour is this?" I question whilst Niall pokes the pile of crimson coloured macaroons.

"It's red velvet flavoured macaroons. But I recommend the pomegranate jam with scones to go with your tea. I'm quite fond of it."

"You never told me you like tea and pastries." Harry cocks his eyebrow. Obviously eyeing Reine's arm clinging onto Louis' bicep. Reine shrugs and continues to munch.

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