Little Black Dress

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*****Longest chappie so far. You might think that this one's a filler. But it's not. Pay attention to the details, crazy mofos. I apologize for the month long wait. I'll leave you guessing what's the title of the next chapter about. Though it's quite obvious if you read it meticulously. xx, Regina

Liam's POV




"Stop humming that song. You're making us look more ridiculous." I whisper shout. "We are not Tom Cruise and this is not Mission Impossible." He just shrugs and jumps out of the car. A lot of people are in here, but thank god we are in disguise. "Barbara, slow down."

Harry shot me a glare before grabbing my arm to walk towards the guards. "Do you have any idea where I could find.. Liam, dear. Where is it again?" Trying to stifle my laughter, I shrugged. "Oh. Do you know where teenage girls hang at this mall? By any chance, did you spot two girls? One is tall and one is small with very pale skin?" He asked the men who were guarding the door.

The stout one cleared his throat and answered, "Does the smaller one have um, purple coloured eyes?"


"Yes!" I exclaimed. Then they pointed us the directions to David Jones and Myers. I should've known that they'd be shopping in a department store. And it kind of gave it away because I can hear blaring music. Now when I said music, I meant our songs. Must be the work of Aila.

Harry neared the two girls-- one of the girls who's clearly pissed by the scowl she wore, Reine. "My dear, could you please--" I wasn't able to hear what they were conversing about since Aila tapped me on the shoulder.

"Liam?" I gaped at how quickly she recognised me. How? "Yes, it's that obvious. I've watched the opening video of you TMH tour. Duh." Of course, how could I forget. I smiled at her just when we heard a crashing sound that caused our gazes to land on the pile that is Reine and Harry. I don't even want to know how they end up that way.

"Apparently, your disguise as an old lady sucks. Better luck next time, Styles."

Harry pouted, "Hmph. I was trying to surprise you."

"You mean you're trying to be cute." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey Liam, let's leave this two. You up for some lunch?" Aila poked me. Eating sounds good to me rather than to watch this to hopeless romantics do this thing that they thought was flirting. They have so much to learn. I thought to myself.

I turn to Aila, "That would be lovely."

Aila's POV

"I guess you'll be my grandpa for the day." I jab at the wrinkly faced Liam who's not amused. "Or would you like me to be your gilrfriend. Although I'm sure that my parents wil disapprove of  me having a relationship with an old man."

"No. Being your grandfather will be fine." He grumbled.

"Keep on grumbling like that and I will call you grandfather for the rest of your life."

"Keep on being catty and I will treat you like a five year old." He imitated my catty tone and winked at me.

I roll my eyes, "Shite. Come on let's have lunch, Pops." Then he smacked my head rather hard. "Ow, what was that for?"

"Watch your words young lady. That's not how you talk to your elders."

"Sorry." I played along and took hold of his arm. "What would you like to eat?"

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