Chapter 3

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R u down to be
A distraction baby
But don't distract me
Lemme ask ya baby
- Kehlani

" So why did you grind wit her knowing yo girl was in da building, like you mad dumb." I said rolling my eyes and chomping on my salad.
" I'm a nigga see a big ass booty finna check it out plus I broke up with her two days before I went to the party. I went to forget bout her ." He said.
" So you break up wit yo hoe and she just magically knows to come to that party that night?" I put my hand up like he was making no sense " Do you think I'm a stupid bitch or not?"

" ya know for a goody goody you sure have a bad mouth, it's kinda sexy." He said showing me those cute dimples of him. He was a fine ass nigga. He was about 6'4 just guessing and he was dark skin chocolate goodness. Had dimples and waves for days. He might jus have to be mine. He was definitely looking like a damn snack now that I am looking at him.

" Finna keep checking me out or is there something on my face." He said flashing those perfect teeth.

"Oh fuck, the fuck ain't nobody looking at your crusty elbows ass." I said playing it off.

" Haha, funny." He said." Buh seriously are you single?"

"Why?" I said.

"Just wondering." he said  putting on carmex.

"Yes. You?" I said.

" Yeah, but I'm talking to this really pretty girl. I met her today. She looks exactly like you." He said smiling. I caught on just as quickly as he said met her today. I smiled a little.

" Uh well tell that hoe to be her own damn self." I said.

We talked the whole lunch and he was funny. He got my number but that don't mean shit. He's cute and tall and sexy. I might let him have a chance but I dunno if it's gonna be serious because I don't really want no super duper serious thing. He jus finna be a distraction.

I headed to my next class happy as hell. I mean I was smiling and feeling myself. I mean I've had a few guys come my way but I wasn't into the whole dating scene til now I guess. He was just so handsome and held himself so nicely. He was pretty cool acting. I was daydreaming in class when my phone buzzed.

I had a very good time with you.😘 I want to hang with you more often.-Trent

I did too. And same.- me

Cool. I think you are really pretty. I can't lie I want to take you out but I want this to be slow.-Trent

Look. I like you too. But I ain't gonna have a serious relationship if thas what you're looking for. I'm trynna graduate and be something in life and I can't let a guy distract me too much.-me

I slid my phone back into my bag and kept taking notes. I was liking him but he ain't gonna get the excited me because I still don't really know him like dat. After about 2 more periods school was finally over. Me and Daysha was finna hit up the mall right now. I got my keys and waited by my black jeep. She walked up to me and just stood there.

" Finna just stand there or r u gonna hop in?"

"Where the fuck were you at lunch time?"

" You know that nigga from the party last night?"

" The fine ass nigga I was dancing with?"

" Ye, turns out he goes to this school and he wanna swoop me on da first day bish."

" Whaaaaat."

" Yeah, but I told him he finna be a distraction."

" Quit trynna be Kehlani bish. You know damn well you like him and want him."

I drove to mall and we were in Victoria Secret. I needed some bras and they got the best push-up bras. After we were done I was checking my instagram when I dropped my phone because I bumped into someone.

"Nigga watch where your-" I said before I caught who bumped into me. This tall light skin nigga tha was mad fine. Ha y'all thought I was talking about Trent's Crusty ass.

" Sorry shawty." He said licking his lips." Gotta a nigga tho?"

" Not currently.No."

" Well slide me them digits."
" Nah ain't looking for a guy right now."
" So this yo girlfriend or something?" He said pointing at Daysha.
" No, I am straight. I just don't want no man right now. I mean you cute and all but that don't change the fact that-"

" Well here my number. Hit me up if you change your mind." He handed me a piece of paper. I looked down at the folded paper then looked up and he was gone. Damn he was fine af. Tall af too.

Not too long after I left the mall I was unlocking the door to my house to hear yelling and arguing.

My mom and dad were arguing when they argue it's like all hell breaks loose. They were in my moms room so I went to my room because their room is upstairs.Once I got in the room I threw my bag on desk in my room then I sprawled out on my bed when Daysha calling me. I declined it and kept laying in my bed. When I heard the arguing stop and my mom
came into the room. She closed the door and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

" I have something to tell you."
"Yea ma?"
"Me and your dad are getting divorced."
My mouth dropped like my heart did.

Hey guys so I want y'all to first to vote and comment. But I want y'all to answer these questions for me.

Do you think Jaydana likes Trent?

Do you think Jaydana should date Trent?

How do you think that would make Daysha feel?

What do you think of the story?

Comment and vote!!!

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