Sick (pt. 1)

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   I woke up. Rolled over. My clock read 4:03pm and I sighed, grabbing my cell off the night stand to call in sick. No way in hell could I make it to the office in twelve minutes. Besides, I could feel a migraine brewing. I pushed my covers off my legs so lethargically you'd have thought the world was in slow motion. I rolled back over, pulled up my sweat pants, and willed myself to get up. I stood up so fast I felt a bit dizzy. As I regained my balance and started to stretch, there was a sharp pain in my neck. It was over quickly, but it was definitely there. I took a baby step foward...and lost consciousness.

A/N: it's not much of a cliff hanger but if you're doin a frighten for the main character, fear not! I will finish part two in a few minutes!

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