Chapter 14

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Flame was walking through the castle gardens while humming softly. She sat down in front of a pond and stared at her reflection in the water. "Hm..." She brushed her bangs out of her face.

A couple guards walked by where she was, talking about something. Her ears perked up as she listened to them.

"...So what are you gonna do for the blood moon ball in a few days?"

"We're supposed to be standing guard outside, remember? The king wants us to make sure his future queen is safe from his brother."

"Oh right. I forgot."

'Blood moon ball...?' Flame thought to herself. 'I didn't know there was even a ball coming soon..' She thought as she stood up. She walked back into the castle. But unknown to her, a certain icy blue eyed hedgehog was watching her from the shadow of the tree he was on.

Meanwhile, her brother Shadow was trying to get used to the new room he was given to from the vampire king himself.

"'s so dark and dusty in here..." He muttered to himself. He sat down on the bed, hearing a slightly loud creak come from it. " come my sister got the good room..?" He mumbled.

The door then opened, revealing his little sister. "Hey Shads. I just heard some interesting news from the guards when I was in the garden." She said and walked over to him.

"What is it?" Shadow asked as he watched her sit down next to him.

"Sonic is going to have a blood moon ball in a few days."

"A blood moon ball?"

"Yes." Flame nodded.

"Huh...okay. Are you going to attend it?" Shadow asked.

"I have to. I'm Sonic's future wife, remember?" Flame said.

The midnight colored hedgehog sighed heavily. "I know...but I still don't feel comfortable about you and him marrying when you two just met."

"I feel the same way, bro. But Sonic's...a really nice guy once you get to know him..."

"Uh huh..."

"I'm serious!" The fiery hedgie crossed her arms, pouting. Shadow chuckled and rubbed her head. "It's gonna take some time to get used to him being around you, you know that right?"

"Yes, big bro." Flame smiled a bit.

"Alright then. Now go on and get some rest, okay?" Shadow spoke, giving her a rare smile.

Flame smiled back and got up. "Okay. Goodnight, Shadow." She kissed his cheek and walked out of the room.

"Night, Flame." Her brother smiled a bit more.

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